Sui Feng is the Captain of the 2nd Division of the 13 Court Guard Squads and the commander-in-chief of the Secret Remote Squad, one of the three branches of the Soul Society. She is an extremely serious and loyal person and will follow orders given to her to a tee, not hesitating at all to enforce the execution of Rukia Kuchiki and ordering nearby Vice Captains to track down and stop Renji Abarai as he tried to escape with Rukia. She takes pride in her role as a Captain and commander of the Secret Remote Squad, and looked up to her predecessor and mentor Yoruichi Shihoin. Sui Feng won't hesitate to strike a killing blow, as she is a master assassin, and teaches her subordinates that accomplishing the mission comes before anything else, even looking at the death of a comrade as an opening to strike an opponent.
This Respect Thread will be divided into and cover the following categories:
Soul Reaper Basics
"This is the difference between you and me. As you know, when the commander of the Punishment Force bares her sword, it signifies an execution. Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed utterly." (Ch. 154)
"I always taught you to see the loss of a comrade as an opportunity. Don't get in the middle. Just stab the enemy in the back. If you're too incompetent to do even that, then let your comrade die right then and there. That's the way of the Secret Remote Squad." (Ch. 333)
"Don't think because we're fighting this battle that we're resigned to death. We're fighting to live. Saving the world is just a lofty-sounding pretext. We're fighting to save ourselves, to save you and to save everybody from Aizen." (Ch. 389)
Soul Reaper Basics
(Ch. 49) As a Soul Reaper, Sui Feng materializes spirit energy from her own soul and manifests it into her zanpaku-to:
(Ch. 35) Reiraku are spirit ribbons, manifestations of spiritual energy, that a good Soul Reaper can sense and a great one can even grab. Being able to sense reiraku allows a Soul Reaper to locate beings with high spiritual power and even track them:
(Ch. 105) In Bleach, a battle between two people is a battle of spiritual power. If one opponent's spiritual power isn't strong enough, they can't even cut a stronger opponent. This is displayed and described by Kenpachi Zaraki when he let's Ichigo Kurosaki get in a free cut during their fight. Ichigo swings as hard as he can but doesn't scratch Kenny and even his hands start to bleed:
(Ch. 187) Although a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and spiritual power and directly related, meaning the bigger the zanpaku-to the more spiritual power, Captain-class Soul Reapers know how to hone their blades down to manageable sizes, otherwise they'd be swinging around swords the size of buildings:
(Ch. 154) Sui Feng is the Captain of the Second Division, the Secret Remote Squad, and has control of the Punishment Force as well:
(Ch. 146) There are three ways to become a Captain of the 13 Court Guards squads:
(Ch. 159) Sui Feng comes from a family of executioners and assassins and those in her family who couldn't join the Punishment Force when they grew older were cast out and disinherited. Sui Feng was the youngest of six siblings to enter the Force but the only one to survive. The Force itself is a sort of scouting force and executioners for those who broke the law:

(Ch. 120) All zanpaku-to have two releases, shikai and bankai. Shikai is the first release and occurs when a Soul Reaper calls out their sword's name and along with bankai, needs to be mastered in order to become a Captain:
(Ch. 127) The essence of Shikai is to communicate and synchronize with your zanpaku-to:
(Ch. 157) Sui Feng's zanpakuto's name is Suzumebachi and she activates it by saying the phrase "Jinteki Shakusetsu", Sting All Enemies To Death. This transforms her blade into a small claw-weapon she wears on her middle right finger:
(Ch. 158) Suzumebachi's special ability is called Homonka, Bee Crest Flower. Once Sui Feng tags an enemy, a flower pattern appears on their body where Suzumebachi hit and if Sui Feng is able to tag her target in the same spot again, they die. She's had the past one hundred years to perfect the technique and claims nothing can survive being stabbed twice by it:
(Ch. 158) The Homonka mark will never disappear off of an enemy unless Sui Feng chooses to remove it herself:
(Ch. 331) Suzumebachi's power is referred to as Nigeki Kessatsu, Double Strike Finisher:
(Ch. 333) Sui Feng kills Ggio Vega by stabbing him twice in the same lung, and he dies when the Homonka mark engulfs his entire body and completely blows him up:

(Ch. 120) Bankai is the second release of a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and in general, increases the users power by five to ten times. Even if you have exceptional skill and talent, mastering bankai can still take a Soul Reaper up to and at least ten years:
(Ch. 127) Where Shikai is the essence of communicating and synchronizing with one's zanpaku-to, bankai requires a Soul Reaper to externalize the zanpaku-to and force it into submission. It usually takes at least ten years for this training because the zanpaku-to needs to be summoned to our world:
(Ch. 162) According to Byakuya Kuchiki, only the most experienced Soul Reapers can achieve bankai:
(Ch. 360) Sui Feng's bankai is called Jakuho Raikoben, or Thunder Hornet Whip. It summons an extremely large cannon that is placed on Sui Feng's right arm and is twice as tall as she is:
(Ch. 360) Sui Feng doesn't like to use her bankai because it goes against her Secret Police standards, is too big to conceal and too loud to carry out the usual assassination mission:
(Ch. 361) Jakuho Raikoben is basically an extremely large bazooka that is capable of creating a blast at least city block level in destruction:
(Ch. 369) Hachigen Ushoda uses four different Kido to create a huge cage around Barragan Luisenbarn in order to contain Sui Feng's Jakuho Raikoben and it's destructive force. He even seems surprised and impressed afterwards that it cracked his Kido:
(Ch. 370) Soi Fon's limit to using her bankai used to be once every three days but during her fight with Barragan Luisenbarn she was able to fire it twice in the same day:
(Ch. 553) After having her bankai returned to her, Sui Feng uses Jakuho Raikoben to defeat Stern Ritter RG9:

(Ch. 158) Shunko is a fighting style that combines Hakuda, a style of fighting, and Kido, spells, and it is Sui Feng's primary fighting style. She was developing it herself but Yoruichi Shihoin, Sui Feng's mentor before Yoruichi left Soul Society, had created the style herself:
(Ch. 330) Sui Feng dodges all of Ggio Vega's attacks, wraps her leg around his leg after she dodged his kick, and kicks him with her other leg:
(Ch. 549) After her fight with Yoruichi Shihoin, Sui Feng was able to master Shunko and spent more than 17 months training with it after she perfected it and after she had her bankai stolen. Her Shunko is Wind and she discovered a way to wrap her body with a vortex of spiritual pressure that she can continue fighting while using:
(Ch. 549) With her perfected Shunko, Sui Feng uses an ability called Mukyo Shunko, Infinite Shunko, the blitz and then blast the Stern Ritter RG9:
(Ch. 549) Although she doesn't defeat the Stern Ritter with this move, this is the aftermath of the attack:

Kido are spells in the Bleach verse and can be used regardless of a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to abilities. It's basically the magic of the verse.
Shitotsu Sansen
(Ch. 330) Sui Feng uses Shitotsu Sansen is Binding Spell 30, Triple Flash Beak Slash, against Ggio Vega and pins him to a wall with an energy clamp in the shape of a triangle:

(Ch. 153) Sui Feng easily flips an Assistant Captain over her head:
(Ch. 332) Sui Feng kicks Ggio Vega into a building hard enough to severely damage it:
(Ch. 333) Sui Feng nonchalantly punches Omaeda Marechiyo hard enough to fly back and crack a ceiling, although could be viewed as a gag scene:
(Ch. 539) Sui Feng trains for the second fight against the Quincy and the Stern Ritters by doing one-handed push ups on the top of a small mountain:
(Ch. 549) Sui Feng is able to break off half of Stern Ritter RG9's mini gun:
(Ch. 550) Sui Feng is able to grab a cable of Stern Ritter RG9 and swing him around through a few buildings:

(Ch. 158) Sui Feng is able to block a Dark Sword thrown at her by Yoruichi Shihoin after chasing her at full speed, then reacts to Yoruichi's various kicks by responding with her own before tagging her again with Suzumebachi:
(Ch. 331) Sui Feng reacts to Ggio Vega's Sonido in time to block his attack:
(Ch. 332) Sui Feng frees herself from being trapped against a wall in time to save Omaeda Marechiyo from a point blank Cero:
(Ch. 358) Omeada Marechiyo, Sui Feng's Lieutenant, believes that she's the fastest Soul Reaper in the 13 Court Guard squads, since he believed that none of them could evade Barragan Luisenbarn's after it had tagged Sui Feng's left arm:
(Ch. 549) Sui Feng is able to intercept Stern Ritter RG9's mini gun attack on Omaeda Marechiyo, catch some of the bullets that were fired, and then break off half of the gun and escape a far distance away before either RG9 or Omaeda could realize she did so:
(Ch. 550) Sui Feng dodges a surprise attack from Stern Ritter RG9 after she thought she had defeated him:
(Ch. 155) Shunpo, also known as Flash Step, is an ability where the user travels at FTE speeds in order to cross a large distance in a short matter of time:
(Ch. 157) Sui Feng fights evenly with Yoruichi Shihoin, whose been nicknamed the Flash Master because of her amazing speed and use of Shunpo, and matches her evenly, dealing a blow to her head while taking a blow to her arm:
(Ch. 154) For Yoruichi, she is fast enough to blitz at least 15 members of the Punishment Force before they could react:
(Ch. 157) Sui Feng escapes Yoruichi Shihoin's eyesight to appear right behind her and hit her with her Shikai and then follows Yoruichi's escape to appear behind her again:
(Ch. 158) Sui Feng is able to tag Yoruichi Shihoin at least three times with Suzumebachi, judging by the amount of Homonka patterns on Yoruichi's body:
(Ch. 333) Sui Feng blitzes Ggio Vega as he attempts to transform into his Resurreccion's combat form by stabbing him twice with Suzumebachi, in the same lung from both front and back. She even tells him that it may have felt like only one attack:
(Ch. 391) Sui Feng creates a little more than a dozen afterimage clones of herself when fighting Sosuke Aizen:

(Ch. 24) A thing to note and be aware of is that according to Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper's life force is equal to his/her spiritual energy:
(Ch. 153) Sui Feng is fine after being rushed off of the Sokyoku Hill by Yoruichi Shihoin and slammed down into the ground below:
(Ch. 331) Sui Feng is kicked into a building by Ggio Vega and is fine afterwards:
(Ch. 332) Sui Feng is sent flying into Mammut and crashes into the building as well by Ggio Vega's released form:
(Ch. 332) Sui Feng is again kicked through one building and slammed into another one by Ggio Vega's Resurreccion form but is still fine afterwards:
(Ch. 332) Sui Feng was most likely holding back or possibly even allowing herself to get hit in her fight against Ggio Vega because she told her Lieutenant Omaeda Marechiyo that she wanted to see an Arrancar's Resurreccion before fighting the Espadas:
(Ch. 356) Sui Feng is thrown by Barragan Luisenbarn, the No. 2 Espada, but still shakes it off afterwards:
(Ch. 356) Sui Feng then has the bones in her arm aged by Barragan to the point where they become so brittle they break but doesn't cry out in pain at all:
(Ch. 357) Sui Feng's arm is hit by Barragan's Respira attack, which quickly ages and disintegrates anything it touches (Barragan was disintegrating the ceiling and roofs he was walking over) and she has her Lieutenant Omaeda Marechiyo cut off her arm before the affliction can spread to the rest of her body, then continues the fight like that:
(Ch. 370) Sui Feng used to be able to only fire off her bankai, Jakuho Raikoben once every three days, but during her fight with Barragan Luisenbarn she was able to fire it twice in the same day:
