Sajin Komamura is the former Captain of the 7th Division of the 13 Court Guard Squads that guard the Soul Society. Komamura is an anthropomorphic wolf, although he is often mistaken for a dog. Initially, he was very self-conscious about his appearance, so he wore gloves with bracers, as well as a helmet, to conceal his entire body. However, he later gains enough confidence to go on without his helmet after his close friend and fellow Captain (at the time) Kaname Tosen. In contrast to his imposing physical stature, Komamura has a heart of gold, as well as being a loyal and grateful subordinate to Captain-Commander Genryusai Yamamoto, to whom he owes great gratitude for taking him in and basically gave up his powers and position as a Captain in order to get revenge for his death. (Thank you Wiki for that).
This Respect Thread will be divided into and cover the following categories:
Soul Reaper Basics
Jinka no Jutsu
"The only thing that motivates me is my debt of gratitude to Master Genryusai. Because of my appearance I was shunned by all, but he took me in. The least I can do is devote myself to repaying his kindness. I have no doubts. Should he ever need my life, he shall have it." (Ch. 138)
"That's right. I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Sajin Komamura , Captain of the Seventh Company. And as you say, I'm a bug of a man." (Ch. 327)
"I'm not asking you not to hate me or to put aside your grudge. Just don't allow your hunger for revenge change who you are." (Ch. 387)
Soul Reaper Basics
(Ch. 49) As a Soul Reaper, Komamura materializes spirit energy from his own soul and manifests it into his zanpaku-to:
(Ch. 35) Reiraku are spirit ribbons, manifestations of spiritual energy, that a good Soul Reaper can sense and a great one can even grab. Being able to sense reiraku allows a Soul Reaper to locate beings with high spiritual power and even track them:
(Ch. 105) In Bleach, a battle between two people is a battle of spiritual power. If one opponent's spiritual power isn't strong enough, they can't even cut a stronger opponent. This is displayed and described by Kenpachi Zaraki when he let's Ichigo Kurosaki get in a free cut during their fight. Ichigo swings as hard as he can but doesn't scratch Kenny and even his hands start to bleed:
(Ch. 187) Although a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and spiritual power and directly related, meaning the bigger the zanpaku-to the more spiritual power, Captain-class Soul Reapers know how to hone their blades down to manageable sizes, otherwise they'd be swinging around swords the size of buildings:
(Ch. 146) Komamura is the former Captain of the Seventh Division of the 13 Court Guard Squads. There are three ways to become a Captain of these Squads:

(Ch. 120) All zanpaku-to have two releases, shikai and bankai. Shikai is the first release and occurs when a Soul Reaper calls out their sword's name and along with bankai, needs to be mastered in order to become a Captain:
(Ch. 127) The essence of Shikai is to communicate and synchronize with your zanpaku-to:
(Ch. 139) Komamura cracks the ground simply with the pressure from his zanpaku-to:
(Ch. 139) Komamura's zanpaku-to is named Tenken and his Shikai is used to summon parts of his bankai but not the whole thing. In the fist instance we see Komamura use it against Kenpachi Zaraki, he summons the arm of his bankai and it does immense damage to a large building:
(Ch. 175) Komamura uses Tengen to summon the arm of his bankai to attack Sosuke Aizen, causing great damage to Sogyoku Hill:

(Ch. 120) Bankai is the second release of a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and in general, increases the users power by five to ten times. Even if you have exceptional skill and talent, mastering bankai can still take a Soul Reaper up to and at least ten years:
(Ch. 127) Where Shikai is the essence of communicating and synchronizing with one's zanpaku-to, bankai requires a Soul Reaper to externalize the zanpaku-to and force it into submission. It usually takes at least ten years for this training because the zanpaku-to needs to be summoned to our world:
(Ch. 162) According to Byakuya Kuchiki, only the most experienced Soul Reapers can achieve bankai:
(Ch. 148) Komamura's bankai is called Kokujo Tengen Myo-Oh and it summons an enormous armored giant that mirrors Komamura's movements. Last scan shows that it towers over even multistory buildings in the Soul Society:
(Ch. 385) The drawback to Komamura's bankai is that any damage dealt to the giant is also dealt to him:
(Ch. 516) Normally once a bankai is destroyed it can never be returned to the way it once was. The only exception to this that Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi has studied and found is Kokujo Tengen Myo-Oh because of the close ability and relationship it has with Komamura. If he gets healed from an injury, so does Kokujo Tengen Myo-Oh heal its injuries:
(Ch. 327/328) Komamura uses his bankai to oneshot Choe Neng Poww in his Resurreccion state, who happened to be one of Espada No. 2 Barragan Luisenbarn's Fracciones:
(Ch. 385) Kokujo Tengen Myo-Oh smacks a Hollowfied Kaname Tosen through at least four large buildings:
Dangai Joue

(Ch. 556) Komamura was able to learn how to use Jinka no Jutsu, or Humanification, after the Quincy's first invasion of the Soul Society and as a human he gains a huge power boost. With this, his bankai grew more powerful as well, gaining a new form called Dangai Joue, Armor Expulsion Rope Ramient:
(Ch. 557) Dangai Joue is different from Kokujo Tengen Myoh-Oh because it takes off the armor of Kokujo Tengen and exposes only Komamura's spiritual pressure underneath:
(Ch. 557) Dangai Joue is Kokujo Tengen Myoh-Oh undressed of its life:
(Ch. 557/558) Dangai Joue is able to overpower Stern Ritter Bambietta's ability and defeat her with one strike, deflecting her own bombs back at her faster than she could repel them:
Jinka no Jutsu

(Ch. 556) Komamura is a member of the Werewolf Clan who's members were sent to the Hell of Beasts for sins they committed during their lifetime. By temporarily severing the chain that binds them to their sin, members of the Werewolf clan can gain a tremendous boost in power and return to their human forms. In order to do this, Komamura had to rip out his own heart with his own hands and offer it to his clan's elder. Only after that was he taught how to use Jinka no Jutsu, or Humanification:
(Ch. 557) Jinka no Jutsu offers Komamura an immortal body, which is why he had to give his heart to his clan's elder. As long as Komamura is in his human body, he is immortal:
(Ch. 557) This is proven when the Stern Ritter Bambietta blew a hole in Komamura's chest by attacking his bankai and Komamura didn't register any pain or die from the attack. He tells her that with Dangai Joue, his body is just a vessel there to defeat her:
(Ch. 557) Kokujo Tengen Myoh-Oh Dangai Joue is shredded by multiple of the Stern Ritter Bambietta's bombs but it doesn't faze or stop Komamura because of his new immortal body:
(Ch. 558) The drawback to this technique is that once it's time limit has been reached, Komamura is transformed into a regular wolf:

(Ch. 146) Komamura jumps a very far distance in order to not get caught in Kaname Tosen's bankai:
(Ch. 326) Komamura punches Choe Neng Poww and sends him flying away:
(Ch. 326) Komamura catches Choe Neng Poww's Resurreccion punch and flips him over his body. You can clearly see the size of the Fracciones in the first scan as he towers over buildings:

(Ch. 148) Komamura jumps in between Kaname Tosen and Kenpachi Zaraki and blocks both of their attacks:
(Ch. 367) Komamura intercepts Kaname Tosen's attack on Shinji Hirako and blocks it on his arm guard:
(Ch. 556) Komamura jumps in front of Bambietta's explosions to save Shinji Hirako:
(Ch. 556) Komamura intercepts Assistant Captain Hinamori to stop and save her from the Quincy Bambietta's attack:

(Ch. 24) A thing to note and be aware of is that according to Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper's life force is equal to his/her spiritual energy:
(Ch. 145) Komamura is thrown and slammed into the ground by Kenpachi Zaraki who had just kicked Kaname Tosen across a large roof seconds beforehand and blocked both Komamura's and Tosen's attacks:
(Ch. 176) Komamura survives being hit with Hado 90 Kurohitsugi and after he regains his senses, refuses medical treatment after Sosuke Aizen leaves the Soul Society. A full powered Hado 90 has the power to distort gravity but Komamura was only hit with one a third as powerful:
(Ch. 178/179) Komamura is alive and well only minutes later and then declining medical treatment:
(Ch. 326) Komamura is punched at least six house lengths away by Choe Neng Poww and is perfectly fine afterwards and even catches his Resurreccion enhanced punch:
(Ch. 384) Komamura is kicked away by a Hollofied Kaname Tosen into a pair of buildings but is able to shrug it off:
(Ch. 385) Komamura is indifferent to a slash across his forearm:
(Ch. 386) Komamura survives a sonic attack from a Hollowfied Kaname Tosen that completely shredded his bankai's chest plate and chest region:
(Ch. 390) Komamura continues to fight Sosuke Aizen after receiving a huge slash across his body and having his left hand cut off:
(Ch. 556) Komamura is fine after having his arm gauntlet blow up thanks to the Stern Ritter Bambietta's technique, "The Bomb":
(Ch. 556) Komamura is able to protect Captain Shinji Hirako and Assistant Captain Momo Hinamori from dozens of bombs fired at them by the Stern Ritter Bambietta:
