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Ikkaku Madarame Respect Thread

Writer's picture: TheVivasTheVivas

"Ikkaku Madarame was not born a coward that he would surrender to escape death!!!"

Ikkaku Madarame is the current Lieutenant and former 3rd Seat officer in the 11th Division of the 13 Court Guard Squads, under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki. Ikkaku is a person who loves fighting, loves testing himself against others and is one of the most skilled fighters in the Soul Society due to that. In the past, Ikkaku lost to his current Captain Kenpachi and since then has vowed to die as his subordinate, causing him to decline any and all of the invitations to become a Captain himself. This is the reason he hides the fact that he can perform bankai and purposely hinders himself in certain fights if he has allies nearby who can see. He's an extremely loyal guy who has his funny moments, but don't call him bald. He's not.

This Respect Thread will be divided into and cover the following categories:

  • Quotes

  • Soul Reaper Basics

  • Accolades

  • Zanpaku-to

  • Strength

  • Speed

  • Durability/Endurance




"You and I have different ideas about etiquette. I always tell those I train to introduce themselves to their victims. If you're about to kill someone they at least have the right to know the name of their killer.Zaraki company third seat, Ikkaku Madarame! You don't have to give your name but take note of mine. It's the last name you're ever going to hear!" (Ch. 202)


Soul Reaper Basics


(Ch. 49) As a Soul Reaper, Ikkaku materializes spirit energy from his own soul and manifests it into his zanpaku-to:

(Ch. 35) Reiraku are spirit ribbons, manifestations of spiritual energy, that a good Soul Reaper can sense and a great one can even grab. Being able to sense reiraku allows a Soul Reaper to locate beings with high spiritual power and even track them:

(Ch. 105) In Bleach, a battle between two people is a battle of spiritual power. If one opponent's spiritual power isn't strong enough, they can't even cut a stronger opponent. This is displayed and described by Kenpachi Zaraki when he let's Ichigo Kurosaki get in a free cut during their fight. Ichigo swings as hard as he can but doesn't scratch Kenny and even his hands start to bleed:

(Ch. 187) Although a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and spiritual power and directly related, meaning the bigger the zanpaku-to the more spiritual power, Captain-class Soul Reapers know how to hone their blades down to manageable sizes, otherwise they'd be swinging around swords the size of buildings:




(Ch. 90) Ikkaku is the Third Seat of the 11th Company of the 13 Court Guard Squads, which is the ultimate combat unit of all the guards:

(Ch. 197) Renji Abarai chose Ikkaku personally for a mission to the real world to fight Arrancars:

(Ch. 203) Ikkaku is credited as the second most powerful man in the Soul Society's most feared company:

(Ch. 206) Ikkaku was chosen to be the next Captain and Renji believed he was the only one capable of filling the hole Sosuke Aizen left when he betrayed the 13 Court Guard squads, but he refused because he made it his dream to die fighting under the command of Kenpachi Zaraki:

(Ch. 318) Ikkaku is considered one of Soul Society's finest warriors, alongside Assistant Captains Shuhei Hisagi and Izuru Kira:





(Ch. 120) All zanpaku-to have two releases, shikai and bankai. Shikai is the first release and occurs when a Soul Reaper calls out their sword's name and along with bankai, needs to be mastered in order to become a Captain:

(Ch. 127) The essence of Shikai is to communicate and synchronize with your zanpaku-to:

(Ch. 87) Ikkaku's zanpaku-to's name is Hozukimaru and he activates it by saying the phrase "Extend Hozukimaru!". His blade extends and becomes the length of and is similar in appearance to a spear but is actually a bladed sansetsukon that, with the command of "Break!", will break off into smaller segments and catch Ikkaku's opponent off guard, like it did to Ichigo Kurosaki:

(Ch. 88) Hozukimaru's movements are difficult to read and counter as Ikkaku can throw certain segments forward in front of him for a ranged attack, he can catch an attack on the chain between segments and quickly connect those two segments to better counterattack, which gets under Ichigo Kurosaki's guard and sends him flying back. Ichigo was able to follow the movements to grab and pull off the feathers at the end of Hozukimaru though:

(Ch. 86) Ikkaku fights with both his zanpaku-to and its scabbard, in a dual-wielded way in order to give him an edge over his opponents. When doing so, he usually wields his zanpaku-to in his left hand and his scabbard in his right, using the right for blocking and the left for attacking:

(Ch. 203) Ikkaku lets his opponent read his moves and see that he uses his zanpaku-to for attacks in his left hand and his scabbard for defense in his right hand. Once he knows his opponent makes his moves based on that, Ikkaku switches hands so that he's now wielding his zanpaku-to in his right hand and his scabbard in his left and completely throws his opponent off-guard, slashing them across the face:


(Ch. 120) Bankai is the second release of a Soul Reaper's zanpaku-to and in general, increases the users power by five to ten times. Even if you have exceptional skill and talent, mastering bankai can still take a Soul Reaper up to and at least ten years:

(Ch. 127) Where Shikai is the essence of communicating and synchronizing with one's zanpaku-to, bankai requires a Soul Reaper to externalize the zanpaku-to and force it into submission. It usually takes at least ten years for this training because the zanpaku-to needs to be summoned to our world:

(Ch. 162) According to Byakuya Kuchiki, only the most experienced Soul Reapers can achieve bankai:

(Ch. 204/205) Ikkaku's bankai, Ryumon Hozukimaru, is extremely different from his shikai and his spear-like sansetsukon turns into two large blades connected by a chain and a third bladed weapon that hangs around behind his neck:

(Ch. 205) Ryumon Hozukimaru doesn't enhance Ikkaku's kido, speed, or defensive abilities, it's just a large chunk of energy with tremendous power:

(Ch. 205) Ikkaku's blades cut right through Volcanica's fist, stopping his attack in the process, and then manages to cut into his forearm when Ikkaku jumped above and came stabbing down:

(Ch. 205) Ikkaku states that his bankai is a slow starter because Hozukimaru is usually asleep when he performs bankai. In order to "wake" it, he needs to exchange blows with an enemy and once that happens, the dragon engraved on it slowly turns red. Hozukimaru is at its most destructive once the red dragon fills all the way:

(Ch. 205/206) With Hozukimaru at full power, Ikkaku clashes with Volcanica's strongest move and creates a massive explosion in the sky. Although his bankai is destroyed in the process, the entire right arm and a good portion of that side of Volcanica's body is taken out and manages to kill the Arrancar:

(Ch. 516) Since his bankai was destroyed during his fight with Edorad Leones, it is now weaker than it once was:




(Ch. 180) Ikkaku knocks another Soul Reaper a far distance and through a window:

(Ch. 204) After taking extreme damage from Arrancar No. 13 Edorad Leones' released form, Volcanica, Ikakku is able to stop himself from being crushed by Volcanica's punch, which is made more impressive since the Arrancar blasted him with a large fire blast and created a crater in the ground even after being blocked:

(Ch. 465) Ikkaku uses the muscles in his arm to fix his dislocated shoulder:

(Ch. 586) Ikkaku strikes the ground and severely damages it with Hozukimaru:




(Ch. 87) Ikkaku dodges an unexpected attack from Ichigo Kurosaki:

(Ch. 203) Ikkaku forces Arrancar No. 13 Edorad Leones to draw his zanpaku-to in order to save himself from getting his arm cut off:

(Ch. 592) Ikkaku knocks Yumichika Ayasegawa away in order to save him from Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya's attack:




(Ch. 24) A thing to note and be aware of is that according to Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper's life force is equal to his/her spiritual energy:

(Ch. 88) Ikkaku receives a massive cut from his shoulder to his hip which damaged the ground beneath him and sliced right through his Hozukimaru:

(Ch. 88) Ikkaku then charges right at Ichigo after receiving the slash above and has his right arm sliced all the way up to his shoulder:

(Ch. 89) Ikkaku tells Ichigo that the first blow, the slash across his chest, should have killed him after Ichigo used his styptic to stop his bleeding. So Ikkaku after taking a slash that should have killed him still had the fortitude to fight afterwards, albeit for a short time:

(Ch. 202) Ikkaku is either hit or was able to block one of Edorad Leones's attacks which sent him through a wall and then right after took a direct hit to his face but is fine and arranging for housing right after those hits:

(Ch. 203) When exchanging blows with Edorad Leones, who could do this to the street with his hits, Ikkaku is hit in the face and loses two teeth from the blow. This didn't stop him from fighting whatsoever:

(Ch. 204) Ikkaku is blasted back by Edorad Leones's released form, Volcanica, which is physically stronger than his normal form (see above) and uses fire-based attacks, hence his name "Volcanica". Ikkaku is seen singed after being sent crashing through windows on the side of a building but is immediately ready to fight afterwards:

(Ch. 204) Despite jumping right back into action after taking the punishment seen above, Ikkaku is blasted by Volcanica's fire attacks and sent flying to the street below, cracking the ground but still able to stay conscious:

(Ch. 204) Ikkaku still doesn't give up and is able to survive a massive volcanic blast from one of Volcanica's punches and not only survive the attack but block it and prevent himself from being crushed:

(Ch. 205) Ikkaku is fine after being near the explosion of Volcanica's energy blast when the Arrancar used it to separate himself from Ikkaku:

(Ch. 205/206) Ikkaku is able to survive the collision of his bankai's strongest attack with Volcanica's strongest attack, survive the several story crash back down to the street, and then crawl a few dozen feet over to Yamachika:

(Ch. 467) Ikkaku has a tendon in his pinkie torn but doesn't care in the slightest:

(Ch. 467) Ikkaku trades blows with Moe Shishigawara and even though Shishigawara lands Jackpot blows, Ikkaku doesn't let it bother him and keeps fighting like nothing is wrong with him. Ikkaku was lucky enough to not have any of the jackpot's hit him in his major organs, although he was hit hard enough to cough up blood, but still was able to headbutt Shishigawara to finish him off:

(Ch. 457) Moe Shishigawara is a Fullbring whose ability is called Jackpot. He can control the odds of anything he punches and have them hit the "jackpot", resulting in him sending out weak punches that can drop thick trees and break large swords:

(Ch. 588/589) Ikkaku survives having some of the Stern Ritter Bambietta's bombs go off in his face:

(Ch. 589) Ikkaku survives a point-blank explosion after stabbing the zombified Stern Ritter Bambietta:




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