Battle Stipulations:
Morals on/In character
Random Encounter
Standard Gear (No Zords for RJ)
RJ is EoS and starts unmorphed, Travis is current and has access to all ecstasies
Win via Death, KO or Incapacitation
CaD Rules:
This is a CAV so don't comment on who you think wins the fight or anything like that
At the end of the debate, vote for who you think made the better arguments, not which character you think wins
Give reasons for why you think they debated better
If you want to be tagged when the debate is over, just say "Tag for votes" (or T4V).
The battle takes place in a ruined city:

Rebuttals - RJ
I'm just going to go ahead and say that this is going to be a relatively short post due to Gil not doing a huge amount counters wise. I've already shown that RJ can compete in speed and that he has a noticeable skill advantage, both things you agreed on. So all that's really left to do is to prove that RJ can compete physically given that you think he can't which, given what I showed in my opener compared to what you showed in yours, is hardly unreasonable. So let's not waste any more time and get right into it.
For a feat that gives a better idea of what Jungle Fury characters can do physicals wise, take this feat from Jungle Master Mode Theo:
Theo nigh-casually spin kicks a boulder hard enough to send it flying many metres away and shatter upon impact with a cliff. A striking feat like this is already into the small building busting tier, and we still haven't reached EoS. In fact, at this point, I'd like to show a feat I showed in my opener, but for a different reason:
Here we have unmorphed RJ holding his own against Dai Shi. The reason I'm showing this feat is that Dai Shi at this point in the series is actually stronger than Theo was when he performed said feat, making RJ actually comparable unmorphed (I can go into more detail on the scaling if you like). That said, I should show what's probably the most solid (not outlier) feat in Jungle Fury, a feat performed by the elephant Spirit Ranger:
Here we see that a strike from the Elephant Spirit Ranger creates a depression in the ground over a huge distance. RJ himself has displayed the ability to hold his own against the spirit rangers on several occasions, but a better comparison would probably be to show how the spirit rangers did against the two last Phantom Beast generals, Snapper and Scorch.
In their fight, you can clearly see that Snapper and Scorch are portrayed as on another level than the spirit rangers, with their attacks literally bouncing off of Snapper at one point or Scorch throwing them around like Ragdolls. In fact, at the end of the fight, the two generals seemingly no-sell their big combo attack. Well, Scorch clearly does but looking at the episode when we next see Snapper he also appears unharmed, which is in line with their attacks bouncing off of him earlier and his general portrayal as a tank. The importance of this becomes clear when we see how RJ and the other rangers did against Snapper:
Now, it's true that their attacks were ineffective at first, but after getting hit by the combined energy attack of Dominic and more importantly RJ himself, Snapper begins to lighten up. At this point, we see that Camille is able to stagger him despite her attacks previously being no-sold. However, RJ's attack on Snapper is clearly far more significant. I'll show it here in case you don't want to watch the video for it.
RJ punches snapper hard enough to create a mach cone and sends him flying a huge distance into the air. Now, obviously Snapper had been slightly weakened, but I don't think it would be at all a stretch to say that RJ is at least comparable to the elephant ranger, if not straight up superior based on their respective fights against the Phantom Beast Generals.
The last thing I want to show would be this:
Here RJ tanks sword attacks from the Shark Spirit Ranger and bounces right back despite being weaker than him at the time. The reason I'm showing this is to show that even if RJ does get tagged (despite the skill gap) he can still tank hits from Travis' swords.
Well, I said it would be short and I wasn't wrong but I think my point has been made. The Elephant Ranger's feat is arguably comparable to Travis' and RJ is at least his physical equal by EoS. So he has the physicals and speed to at least compete, and also has a massive skill advantage. I'm sure Travis has some advantages due to his ecstasies but what you've shown so far isn't enough to net him a win.