Alright time to start another CaD on The Daily Debater to keep the spirits of this site up and running. Let me show the contestants for this matchup:

On the left, we got @Vsw representing the leader of the Z-Fighters, savior of the universe and with one of the coolest transformations the series has offered to us: Goku! On the right, I will be representing the legendary Gourmet Hunter, terror of the universe and appetite of monstrous proportions: Neo-Acacia!. This battle will leave solar systems and galaxies in shambles from the power these two will exhibit in this battle of astronomical proportions!

This is DBZ Goku. He has Manga, Anime and Movie feats. Starts in SSJ3
Neo-Acacia is in his final form as well
Each start on opposite sides of the planet, aware of each other's location
Both have Basic Knowledge on each other
Win by K.O. or Death only
For the sake of it, Goku will not be powerless in space! Stupid DBS.....
Please respect this thread in that you'll keep your opinions to yourself in who you think wins. If you want a T4V (Tag for Vote), let us know and we'll hand out the tags. Vote on who you think presented the characters better in this debate. Once the debate is officially over, then you may say who you think wins.
As a heads up, this opener will be fairly long since my character has ridiculous amounts of feats on practically every page, especially with the way I will approach this CaD. Another thing is sorry for the wait as the site has made it impossible to Copy & Paste my draft here so I basically had to redo this again. Alrighty now let's get this started. I hope my boi VSW enjoys making his post as I do mine. And with that, I'll show my character:
Before I start presenting what Neo/Acacia can do, I should demonstrate why some of these attacks are more impressive than meets the eye. Toriko Earth isn't just another standard Earth. The Earth in which Toriko takes place is massively larger and more durable than just another Earth-like planet. Let's start by showing its size:
In the left scan (Ch. 301), we get the circumference presented for the planet being at 220,000 KM, the middle scan (Ch. 111) shows how much of the human world takes up the actual planet and the right scan (Ch. 323) shows how much more volume it has gained over time at around 659x more than our Earth. Being a threat to this planet would already elevate said character to a much higher level. But there's more to Toriko Earth that makes it more powerful and durable than just a Large Planet as dense as Earth since the original Earth is enveloped in more durable material that absorbs energy over time via Gourmet Cells. There's so much built into it, the Earth had enough energy to cause an explosion that would've been larger than a supernova by a huge star despite regular supernovas having a radius of 5 light years. Knowing this, attacks being a threat to this planet's demise, a planet almost the size of Saturn, puts you at such a very high level which I'll explore later. Here's another example of the continents on this planet (All of Earth can fit inside of Area 7) (Ch. 353).
Neo/Acacia Versatility and Abilities:
Neo/Acacia has a good amount of abilities he has under his belt that will allow him to gain an upperhand and ultimately allow him to win over the powerhouse that is Goku. Let's present these abilities shall we?
Regeneration: This might not seem like a huge deal but Neo/Acacia possesses a powerful HF that has allowed him to easily survive attacks that have the capabilities to outright maim or kill other things. This will provide a tough obstacle overcome since he has ridiculous durability of his own
Evolution: Neo/Acacia have the ability to adapt and evolve during fights, allowing them to get stronger over time which is something Neo has done countless times before being Acacia's Gourmet Demon
Shapeshifting: Neo/Acacia have the ability to pretrude themselves and their body in different shapes and sizes, allowing them to adapt and combat their opponents in ways tailored to their advantage
Energy Projection: Neo/Acacia are able to use their appetite energy to project and make constructs of it with ridiculous power and size
Back Channels: After eating NEWS, the meat dish of Acacia's Full Course Meal, a person can manipulate the space/dimension around them and dilute time itself to ridiculous proportions through dividing their gourmet cells at FTL speeds. This is how users can speed themselves up in various ways
Knocking: This ability allows the user to be able to paralyze whoever or whatever the user touches including damage, the planet or time itself. Acacia is said to have taught Jirou, who is considered the Knocking Master in Toriko, everything he knows so it's believable to assert that Acacia can do what Jirou and lesser Knocking users could.
Neo's Appetite: Probably the most prominent ability of Neo what he is most infamous for. His appetite allows him to consume anything he munches on and that means anything. Anything consumed by Neo becomes non-existent that it can't come back even if one possesses a powerful healing factor.With that out of the way,
I'll be going over the fights Neo/Acacia has gone through while showcasing his physical prowess and abilities he's used on all of his opponents. I'll be starting with his weakest form and moving onwards with his progression to his final form that will be used in this CaD.
Despite just being tiny fragments of Neo/Acacia, these little things still packed a massive wallop and were still pretty powerful compared to the beasts of this planet. Let's show a bit of just how powerful these tiny fragments of Neo/Acacia are:
Starting from Lett to Right (Ch. 338 and the rest 353) Here we have Knocking Master Jirou attempt to use Knocking to paralyze the Spore and not working instantly. Why this is impressive is because Jirou has shown to casually being able to stop the rotation of Toriko Earth for one second. even though Jirou caused havok with his Knocking and is someone capable of destroying the planet itself. Another thing to consider is moving onto the next scans, we start with the Neo-Spore going through hundreds of very high capture level monsters, some of whom are among the most powerful on Toriko Earth before the 8 Kings themselves. To show the impressiveness of this, here is the 4 Beast Limb (parts of the real thing) Mount Turtle literally no-selling an attack capable of leveling the United States. You gotta understand that the actual 4 Beast is fodder to the likes of fodder that's below fodder who is below the beasts and creatures on Sky Deer's back and the Spore was going through them like snacks. Now the last 2 scans show the Spores basically being stomped so why would I post them? Well the 8 Kings are in a different league entirely compared to the strongest monsters in the Gourmet World and a potential threat to all life and the planet itself. In the 3rd scan, we see Heracles's breath going through the planet with the narration explaining that it was better Heracles didn't aim down towards the center. In the 4th scan, Bambina is literally pounding it to mush until it was practically gone, which is impressive for the sole fact Bambina can do attacks like this (this is a Monkey King from long ago and not the much stronger Bambina)(Ch.311).
From Chapter 337, just showing some miscellaneous feats for the Neo-Spore before moving onto the next form. Starting from the left scan, we see the first Neo-Spore popping out and immediately blitzing a Nitro and eating half of it, despite these beings being able to fight on the level of the 8 Kings (FTL, threat to Toriko Earth, etc.) Then the Neo-Spore lands and starts to devour a very high level Gourmet World Monster while casually taking blasts that show a bit of curvature.
These last scans showing a combo attack from Toriko and Starjun doing no harm to the spore and only sending it into orbit at best with their gourmet demons knowing how dangerous it is. This is what a combo attack from those two can do.
Neo/Acacia vs Don Slime:
At this point, this is when Neo/Acacia finally gets into the action and shows why he's the real terror of the universe. And to start things off, we'll see how Neo/Acacia deals with Don Slime!
Now in the past, Slime and Neo have encounter each other before with Slime actually beating Neo before with both Slime and Neo being eons and eons in age. One thing to also note is that both of these characters aren't in their prime/most powerful yet they still show how truly strong they are regardless.
We see here in the first scan (Ch. 359) that Don Slime is capable of destroying an entire planet with a single punch when he was more powerful like the times when he fought Neo countless years ago. This is was in regard to just a casual punch though as Slime is capable of launching Casual Large Planet level attacks still. (Ch. 360-2). In the second scan (Ch. 363), we see meteorites formed by Slime himself smashing onto Neo/Acacia with blasts that take up a small portion of the continent. Here's more showing how strong Don Slime is (Ch. 343). In the last two scans (Ch. 363) we see and learn that Slime's previous attacks and the Meteorites weren't effective due to Neo's appetite coming into play. Neo was consuming the attacks and overall rendering them useless. Now to conclude this section, I'll show the most impressive showing for both of Neo and Slime, a scan I already shown previously:
In these set of scans (Ch. 364), we see Don Slime's final attempt of taking out Neo/Acacia by creating a star and having it explode, taking Slime out in the process or rather deplete him of his energy (How he goes from Huge/Menacing to Small). We see Slime mention how Neo has encountered supernovas before, meaning Neo has before died to them and caused them to explode which isn't a bad thing since the Neo that died to these stars isn't close to the power of Neo/Acacia. And to give an idea of how large the actual diameter of those Supernovas, our solar system is estimated at around 1 light year and the closest solar system to us is around 4.3 light years away. Finally, the star Slime created goes off and the light of it all shows how massive the explosion really is compared to the rest of the planet. Though what happens when the smoke clears? We find out that Neo casually ate the star Slime made like it was just a bag of chips with Slime being in shock to what just happened. In the end, Don Slime was ultimately eaten entirely by Neo/Acacia. And with that we move onto the next fight:
Neo/Acacia vs Jirou:
Now I'll begin to look over how Acacia's Disciple Jirou takes on the Master himself. But let's go over some more of Jirou first. I already presented how Jirou in his highly, highly suppressed state being able to casually stop the rotation of Toriko Earth but now I'll show how Jirou becomes exceptionally more powerful as he releases his true power:
In Chapter 365, we see Jiro start fighting multiple Nitros head on, Nitros being capable of fighting the 8 Kings themselves. We see Jiro take an attack capable of shaking the mantle of the Toriko planet and Jiro uses Damage Knocking to completely take away the damage done to him. Even the Nitro can't believe Jiro's strength and compare him to that of the 8 Kings with Jiro saying he's eaten Nitro before in the past (Ch. 365). Jirou, despite still suppressed, shows more of what he can do as his power, a power helped obtained from eating Nitros and training with the Eight King Guinness, comes out to its full potential via unleashing a Guinness Punch that was capable of destroying Toriko Earth and obliterating the Human World if it weren't for Setsuno's Barrier deflecting it (Ch. 365). With this done, let's show what happens when Jiro starts fighting at his full strength:
Starting off Chapter 366, we see Jiro snapped Golden Material like it was string and then kill a Nitro by shaking its head repeatably... shaking its head... but why is breaking Golden Material so impressive? Well after Toriko Earth's explosion, the Golden Can Midora was sealed in by Joie was gonna keep him in there regardless of the Earth's destruction (Ch. 370).
Continuing from the last set and same chapter, Jiro blows away an attack called Light Year Spiral away. One thing about Toriko is a lot of times, the names of their attacks are literal and should be taken as such so in this case, an attack that can span across a light year was casually taken care of after it was launched. Unlike the next move, Big Bang shouldn't be taken as The Big Bang but the Nitro was launched into the sky Team Rocket style regardless. Jiro then ends up Damage Knocking an attack that was peeled the Planet's Crust, like in the name, and was fine since that Nitro took a Guinness Punch and was out of the fight.
I'll finish off with this chapter by showing Jiro taking an attack that can affect the planet's core and be relatively fine and Jiro affecting Time with his Knocking. After that he finishes with an Eternal Knocking, seemingly keeping him in place permanently. Now why go through the trouble of showing the craziness Jiro demonstrated with his Knocking? No reason than Acacia being the one whom taught Jiro what he knows and ends up undoing all of Jiro's Damage Knockings he's done over the years, releasing enough energy to destroy several Toriko Earths which end up killing Jiro. (Ch. 367). Another thing to mention that i posted earlier in Jiro's suppressed states is that Acacia was the one who put all those restrictions on Jiro.
Neo/Acacia vs GOD and the Eight Kings!:
Now onto the main event and one of the best moments in Toriko when the Eight Kings and GOD all get into the action. But before we get into the juiciness, let's start with Acacia against Blue, one of Toriko's gourmet demons:
Starting with Ch. 374, here we see Acacia being able to fight Toriko's Blue Demon quite well with Blue being able to launch an attack that veers off of the earth with Acacia easily brushing off this attack and matching Blue right after despite Blue giving Heracles a good fight before Toriko started eating any of Acacia's Full Course Meals (Ch. 286 and 287) and having an attack that can slash across part of Toriko Earth (Ch. 375).
Resuming with Ch. 374, we see GOD's tongue being able to take Neo/Acacia for a ride as it literally smashes him through one end of Toriko Earth to the other and actually causing damage to Neo/Acacia. Despite being a HUGE Frog, GOD is really fast with its tongue reaching into outer space and snatching a Moon down to eat it in 4 pages (Ch. 369), going completely around Toriko Earth in less than a page (Ch. 372) or side stepping and leaving an afterimage from dodging Coco's Mold Spears (Ch. 370) despite the Mold Spears being light speed before the Timeskip and several MASSIVE upgrades (Ch. 199). To give another example, here's Coco's Mold Spears being casually dodged by Unrestricted Bambina when this is Coco Post Timeskip, eaten Air, Post-ENBU training and fighting on a mountain with 100x more gravity than Earth (Don't mind the translation for what Coco said) (Ch. 315). The Coco that fought GOD received more upgrades from eating other portions of Acacia's Full Course Meal. Another thing to note is how quick GOD reacted to Neo's attempt of eating the tongue and it would be quicker for Neo/Acacia to take a quick nip at that close range than throwing a punch at casual FTL speeds.
All from Chapter 375, let's start with the 1st scan of Neo/Acacia being able to casually adapt and dodge GOD's tongue despite the GOD Tongue moving in a quick, blitz-like fashion with coming close to eating the tongue. But then we see both Neo/Acacia and GOD noticing and getting blasted by Heracles breath that goes straight through the Earth with GOD being relatively unharmed and Neo/Acacia being pushed back with having to hold himself down.
Starting with the next chapter 376, we see Guinness hit Acacia with an attack that sends ripples across part of the planet, which isn't the first time Guinness has done an attack like this which ended up destroying a Neo-Spore (Ch. 354), to only have his hand eaten by Neo/Acacia. Neo/Acacia decides to retaliate with his own attack but what does Guinness do? Grabs Neo/Acacia/s Gourmet Punch with his mouth and starts slamming Neo/Acacia around with tremendous showing (Ch. 376).
Continuing from the same chapter, we see Neo/Acacia survive Derous's Dimensional Laser that, according to Joie's description and reaction to said laser, it's insanely powerful which is shown when in one panel, the laser went into another Solar System (bare minimum) and destroyed other planets in the process. Another thing to look at is how in Derous's Datacard, his laser is said to be able to destroy any material in existence (Ch. 382), a material like the Golden Materials.
Beginning with the next chapter 377 (Right to Left), we see Neo/Acacia punching Bambina so hard that he pops one of Bambina's eyes out. But Bambina in the process was able to hold himself onto Neo/Acacia's arm and punch him right back in his unrestricted form in which Bambina is casually able to do this with a tail swipe (Ch. 312).
Evolved Neo/Acacia!:
This section will be fairly short but this will go over one of his abilities regarding Neo's Evolution. Let's see what happens when this goes into affect and its aftermath:
In the same chapter 377, we see Neo/Acacia fall victim to the Sky Deer's Back Channels where the Sky Deer speeding up time to the point where thousands of years are going by unbelievably fast that despite Neo living for countless eons worth, Neo was starting to get shriveled up into nothingness while having to fend off even more powerful creatures on Sky Deer's back whom are stronger than the ones the Neo-Spore ate. We see in the last two scans (Ch. 379) that Neo was literally done and died........
Until we see Neo/Acacia come back to life by just evolving himself into something more with having Sky Deer's Back Channels speed up the process. After going through this, he effortlessly goes to where Toriko is (he's on GOD) and puts his hand through his neck. At this point, Neo/Acacia have became even more powerful that he's able to casually blow away GOD's Tongue by yelling and easily stopping the 8 Kings in their tracks with a Back Channel before they even attempt to attack (Ch. 380). But it doesn't stop there when Neo finally takes a bite out of GOD and finally hits his full power...
Full Powered Neo!:
At this point, Neo/Acacia have finally hit a point in power that exceeds that of the Eight Kings (Ch. 386). Starting from here on out, I'll be showing Neo literally stomping the 8 Kings as if they don't matter anymore:
Here all Eight Kings launch a collective attack at Neo/Acacia that unleashes an explosion so huge it's almost as wide as the planet but what does Neo do? Just eats it like a donut. Even Bambina loses half of his body and his energy blasts just get eaten like candy (Ch. 380).
Here we see some irony in that Neo literally shouts off Heracles head off while also cancelling out her breathe... by shouting... (Ch. 380-81)
Continuing from the same chapter, we see Emperor Crow cast its Emperor Shadow which makes anyone lose their mind from being in and makes everything so bright ironically despite the sun being in an Eclipse, making the Earth dark. What did Neo do? Literally adapting to the situation and and outshining Emperor Shadow thus cancelling it out. In the aftermath, Neo blitzes Crow and eats half of it and whatever energy blasts Crow spits out. This wasn't the only time Crow's attacks where compared to a Sun in which Crow destroyed a Neo-Spore (Ch. 353).
Next we see Mother Snake (check out link to see Mother Snake's stats) sneak attack Neo at FTL speeds and attempts to digest Neo after wrapping herself into a ball the size of a small planet though ultimately doesn't end up doing anything to Neo even with sun level digestive juices which was compared to a Soda drink to Neo (Ch. 382).
Continuing from Ch. 382, we then see Neo blast out of Mother Snake and soon after Moon whom is just a Black Hole. After Neo trashes on both of them, we then see Neo casually react to Derous's Dimensional Laser and attempts to eat it but only bounces off of Neo. A thing to note is that Whale King Moon is a Black Hole. (Ch. 359)
After all that, we see how much Neo/Acacia progresses more and more to where he's about Eight Kings level to outright stomping them like they were fodder. To offer a quick sum up of everything:
Neo/Acacia's physical attributes should be comfortably or very easily/casually at Star Level. They got to the point that they took on characters who can either seriously damage Toriko Earth or outright destroy it very casually since Toriko Earth is unbelievably more than just a Large Planet
In terms of speed, Neo/Acacia is easily MFTL with being able to easily react to attacks that are FTL and fighting characters who can dish out and fight at FTL speeds with the utmost of ease.
In terms of versatility, Neo/Acacia abuses his appetite and will chomp at anything to such a degree that whatever they eat ceases to exist, even attacks that are star level at least. Other abilities include Knocking, which can be applied to either Neo/Acacia to negate damage or on their opponent to stop them in place. Back Channels which allow them to control the flow of time in a certain space to either speed things up or slow it down. Other versatility would be powerful energy projections to match even top tier characters like the Eight Kings, being able to adapt and evolve during fights to make themselves stronger, shapeshifting and morphing themselves to adapt to whatever way the fight they're in goes and a powerful healing factor on top of their amazing durability.
Goku is a very powerful opponent who has the raw powerful to easily match Neo/Acacia and an exceptional fighter who becomes better as he progresses more and more. Neo/Acacia will have to fight at their best to overcome a worthy and tremendous opponent but I see Neo/Acacia's dangerous versatility being the game changer to allow Neo/Acacia victory. And with this, I stop referring both Neo/Acacia separately cause in my next post, I'm bringing in the big boy and character being used in this debate:
Tag after everything
An exciting match, TAEP
Good luck you two. Tag.
@Reaverlation Looking good my man. Looking forward to your opener
You know im here for it.
me body is ready. TAEP