The Child of Prophecy: Naruto Uzumaki

The Child of Destiny: Son Goku

Characters in prime condition.
Goku is Saiyan Saga
Naruto is his Teen EOS self
Win by any means except BFR.
Naruto is In-character, but willing to go all out.
Goku is morals off
Start 100 meters apart.
Battlefield: The Wastelands

Chapter One: Prologue to Goku's Defeat
Part One: Versatility Advantage
The version of Naruto I'll be using is the one seen in the pic above, Six Paths Sage Mode. While thats a massive power in of itself, I will also be stacking Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra Mode. Collectively we get the ever famous or maybe infamous EOS Teen Naruto. As such I'll be able to use a plethora of his showings that all culminated into this form and what accelerated his power to allow him to compete with, and even surpass in my opinion early Dragonball characters.The first part of that is what I feel is Naruto's massive advantage in versatility. Something that I feel in combination with his physicality will net him the win. Anyway let's move on to those abilities.
Shadow Clones: Naruto's most famous ability. They are just as strong, fast, and skilled as he is. While not as durable they can also use any ability Naruto can to the same level. Finally along with providing useful methods of distraction, teamwork, and tactical advantage, Goku has no way to counter these outside of raw power.
Rasengan/Shuriken:Naruto's own unique method of energy projection. They have a leg up on Goku due to not only incorporating energy output, but blunt and piercing damage as well. That is further enhanced by Naruto being able to mix his senjutsu, and elemental powers from the Tailed Beasts to create even more deadly effects.
Senjutsu: The combination and balancing of Naruto's own chakra and the natural energy of the planet. Senjutsu gives Naruto access to Sage Mode, increasing his physicals wildly, along with giving a massive boost to his jutsu.
Sensory Capabilities: A unique component of Sage Mode and Nine Tails Chakra Mode. Naruto's sensory input is increased massively allowing him to avoid attacks he cant normally perceive or is even aware of. That leg up is what will give him an advantage in speed over Goku despite his own.
Tailed Beast Power:The Tailed Beasts give Naruto access to 9 unique chakra reservers that not only increase his power, but also merge their elements to create entirely new attacks. These attacks provide the means to seriously damage Goku despite his power.
Truth Seeking Orbs:The largest and most destructive hax Naruto has to offer. The Truth Seeker Orbs disintegrate matter, but can also be used as weapons, ranged or melee. Naruto can not control these mentally, but also combine these with his Rasenshuriken. Giving his energy output yet another layer of destructive power
Now that I've laid out the foundation, I can come back to this once I begin discussing Naruto's fighting style and where, when, and how Naruto might utilize the methods in his arsenal. As it stands from what I know of this Goku, Naruto should have an indisputable advantage in versatility. Depending on your argument, Goku may have more raw power (thats a moon to planet busting check) but Naruto can employ his power in much more effective and numerous ways. In the end, not only does Naruto have the quantity, but also the quality to outmatch Goku.
Part Two: Physicality Advantage
As far as speed, I'll be establishing Naruto as being at least Relativistic in combat and being able to reach even higher if need be. I'll use one of his more clear cut showings in least in terms of scaling. Naruto was able to match speeds, blow for blow, clone for clone with a fully powered Double Rinnegan and God Tree Juubi Jinchuriki Madara:
Now what makes this impressive? Madara with neither of his two amps before this fight was able to casually outpace and dominate FTG teleportation combat via Sage Mode Minato (Chapter 665); but also perceive and react to an attack that was able to bend and distort space via speed alone.(Chapter 672). Doubling down on the impressiveness of this feat, Naruto can not actually see these clones with his eyes. Which means this is a triple feat, for speed, skill, and sensory capabilities. Now it isn't Naruto's greatest feat ever, its not even his best speed feat. But it is wildly impressive. Being able to match these without too much effort is telling to me. Wherever you plan to argue Goku at... I believe I can not only match it but gain the advantage through Naruto's sensory perception.
Moving on to strength, I also find Naruto extremely impressive. I don't know how you plan to argue Goku here, so I'll go with one of my personal favorites, one that shows both strength and striking power:
In his newly acquired Six Paths State, Naruto is not only able to completely overpower Madara and force him back into the Divine Tree; but also hit hard enough to even fracture and create fissures along its trunk. This is without the added physical power of his Tailed Beast Chakra Mode as well. Now this is impressive again in two ways. In terms of raw power this Madara was able to casually overpower and reflect the Hirudora of Seventh Gate Gai (Chapter 667), an attack which dwarfs the massive Turtle Island in scale. The second reason this is so impressive is that Naruto was able to fissure the wood of the Divine Tree as I mentioned before. Normally fracturing wood wouldn't be that impressive, but the Divine Tree is on another level. Not only is it massive, but it can take the explosion and blowback from Hirudora without a scratch.
To me this shows casual striking strength that is likely more than enough to match Goku's own if not potentially be superior. I won't make any solid conclusions yet, seeing as you haven't had a chance to post but instead I'll move on to durability & endurance.
For this I'll double up in blunt and energy for my main focus, as Goku doesn't have a specialty in piercing damage this far in if I remember correctly. If he does, I'll throw out some showings for that as well. For now though I'll stick with these two showings:
I'll focus on the leftmost scan first. Here we have Naruto tanking a hit from the Limbo Clone of Full Power Ten-Tails Jinchuriki Madara. What's impressive is that even before Madara became the host of the Ten-Tails (and this a significant power amp) his Limbo clone was capable of flooring each of the Tailed Beasts with a single blow each(Chapter 659). Each of the Tailed Beasts, Gyuki and Kurama in particular all approach Multi-Mountain level in physical stats. Yet Naruto was able to tank blows from a significantly stronger Madara and come out with hardly any damage.
Now for the rightmost scan. This attack is the Ten-Tails Cataclysm. The Ten-Tails is an aggregate of all of the Tailed Beasts and possesses power many times greater as the sum of its parts than the individual beasts themselves. The Cataclysm is the unleashing of the power of Ten-Tails on a country wide scale. Naruto was shown to not only be able to protect himself but the entire remnant of the Allied Shinobi Force with a weakened chakra cloak. (Chapter 629).
Instead of doing that however, Naruto can focus all of his defenses onto himself for this battle. As such I don't think Goku can afford to do any less that his best to put Naruto down for the count. Overall I think this is a decent start to show how powerful Naruto is. Like I said before though I won't make any solid claims or conclusions until you've had a chance to post. This should highlight what I want to say.
Part Three: What's Up Next
Make no mistake, Goku is powerful and impressive. I have no doubt about his power and what you'll be bringing to the table. However I do believe that Naruto has him outmatched overall. While Goku likely has more raw power, Naruto can use his more effectively without burning himself out. Naruto has stats to match Goku, along with the versatility to overwhelm him. This post was meant to establish Naruto's core advantages. The full scope of his power and versatility will be explored as needed. My following post will detail that versatility and just how effective it will be. More than likely I'll be addressing the Piccolo Moon Feat, Kaioken, and Goku's Martial skill. I look forward to your post and the actual debating. For now I'll leave the rest to you.