Whats up Daily Debaters! This is your new and currently improved thread to meet and get to know your Daily Debater staff, and Moderators. Each member was asked the following questions:
Tell us a bit about yourself? Who is xxxx?
What do you moderate?
How did you get into online debating?
What are your favorite characters to read about, and consequently debate for?
Do you have a favorite writer/mangaka/author and/or artist/illustrator?
Do you have a favorite fictional series?
What’s your biggest dream or ambition in life?
If a mod is not listed below then it is because they did not answer the prompts. This is likely a work in progress, so stay tuned, if you want to, that is.
Mods will be broken into groups that represent the major area of TDD that they moderate. Each mod's profile is linked to their name. Feel free to ask questions and get to know us. Also, feel free to follow each mod so that you can see when each is online in case you have a problem.
The Staff: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Just another feat marauder on the internet without much else to do in his free time.
I guess you could call me the jack of all trades when it comes to TDD. I usually focus on moderating the technical aspects of the website, namely fixing bugs, enhancing the design and performance, and implementing alterations to the layout for smoother accessibility. Outside of my humdrum obligations, you can catch me spending a lot of time in the blogs.
I grew up with the golden age of Cartoon Network, and late at night on adult swim they'd play various anime series. (They still do on Toonami). My first anime shows were Yu Gi Oh, One Piece, Naruto, and Dragonball. They got me into shonen battle series, and as someone with an active imagination, that type of entertainment is really all that's needed to start thinking of who would win battles, both in-universe and cross universe. My older half-brother was also a huge Teen Titan fan, and I loved the OG Teen Titan show on Cartoon Network. So I read those comics all the time and he gave me his collection when he moved out. And that's how I got into anime and comics, although I didn't actively start reading manga or comics until I began searching battles on Google which led me to joining Reddit and later Comic Vine.
Intriguing, morally ambiguous, and well written villains. I feel like compelling antagonists are the driving force of a good plot that revolves around the protags trying to accomplish something. People like Doctor Doom are household names when it comes to comic side, but some of my favorites from weeb culture are Madara Uchiha, Kotomine Kirei, Shougo Makishima, Meruem, and Tian. I also like to represent overwhelmingly powerful characters within their setting who not only live up to hype, but exceed expectations. Like Escanor (who's arrogance is charming due to it being well deserved), Volthoom, Neron, Mu Siyun, and Garou.
Favorite Writer(s): Jim Shooter, Mark Waid, Jonathan Hickman, Neil Gaiman, Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Gen Urobuchi, Hiromu Arakawa, Hirohiko Araki. It should be noted that this list is strictly comic writers and mangaka, and doesn't include novelists or movie screenwriters. Favorite Artists: Takehiko Inoue, Yusuke Murata, Boichi, Esad Ribic, Alex Ross, Christian Ward, Russel Dauterman and good ol' Jim Lee.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run- The Sandman
After I graduate with my degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Computer Software Engineering, (which, hopefully with my current degree plan won't take more than 3 more years) I'll try to get a job with a Fortune 50 company and work for a few years while pursuing a Masters. It's one of my dreams in life to earn a PhD and be able to say I did that, so that's something down the line that I'll commit too. Hopefully I'll get to a position where I can buy my parents and my Grandma a house, and also give back to my community in various ways. Outside of that, I do think it will be cool to become a writer/director for movies, and it's something I've wanted to do for quite a while now.
I'm a 19 year old Indian, born and brought up in my country. I'm currently doing a BSC Physics, looking to get into research in pure physics, currently in my second year. Outside of my student life, I'd say I'm a rather carefree guy, when I'm not studying I spend time engaging in my hobbies, which include literature, manga and somewhat recently, even a bit of comics. I also play sports, football(soccer) and occasionally basketball. I do enjoy mentally stimulating activities like engaging in pop philosophy, psychology, socio-economical topics, nothing too serious. I also do enjoy debating. As for me as a person I'd describe myself as relatively friendly depending on how much I like you. I'd say I'm honest when serious, and can and am a good friend to those I consider my good friends. Moreso, if I'm comfortable around you. Don't have too many friends, but the ones I do are close to me. Never miss the chance to make more, though.
I'm a site administrator that deals with technical site functionality and less with site's general management.
Through Comic Vine, a once great site that was a lot of fun, which is our aim for this site. Joined game 2 years ago or so, and still counting.
Naruto, Naruto and Naruto. Some pop shounen and a few comic characters here and there.
I have several favourite manga characters. Itachi, Lelouche, L as well as Light from Death Note would probably be at the top. From comics, I don't have any variety to choose from, but even as far as I am, I enjoyed him more than any other. As for authors/mangakas, I honestly don't particularly have any favourites though I do have to say Kishimoto and Toriyama purely for nostalgic reasons. But in terms of quality of manga it would probably be someone like Murata.
Nah, I could never choose even between my top 10. It's just one of those things that I'm really indecisive about.
I'd like to get to the heart of how our universe works, which is why I chose to go towards to pure science research.
Just your regular comic book nerd. My foray into comics began after binging Punisher MAX. Been a regular reader ever since. When I am not at work or reading fictional characters beat the crap out of one another in costumes, I enjoy playing chess, working out or just chilling with my mates.
General Site Administration, helping with day to day upkeep.
I really don't remember. I guess I decided to give it a whirl after coming across a few 'who would win' type threads online.
A bit too many to name. But if I were to narrow down to the big two and the ones I debate for extensively -- Daredevil, Hulk, Superman, Wolverine and Thor.
Favourite writers -- Peter David, Ron Marz, Keith Giffen, Ed Brubaker, Al Ewing, Garth Ennis and Jim Starlin. I would also add Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron, if Daredevil, the final Punisher Max run and Thor: God of Thunder are anything to go by. Don't really have a favourite artist.
Waayyy too many to name.
To earn a living by doing what I feel I am meant to do.
I am EmperorThanos but most people call me ET, I am an Admin and Writer on the site. I'm also a moderator on ComicVine forum. I used to be a very active debater on ComicVine but I 'm sort of retired at the moment. The verses/characters I debate include, Dragon Ball, Green Lanterns, Other lanterns, Beta Ray Bill, Silver Surfer, Martian ManhunterRight now I'm mostly looking to host new tournaments and scenarios on TDD. So be on the look out for those.
I'm a site admin so I guess I moderate the entire site. Though my main focus will be on the CaD and RPG forums since thats where I will spend the majority of time.
I first got into online debating through the Live action movies and DB. I used to debate a lot of Live Action and even participated in a tourney.
Most of the afore mentioned verses I debate are also characters I love to read about. Hal Jordan is my favorite comic book character and Sinestro my favorite villain. DB is also my all time favorite manga. There are also characters like Thanos, Darth Vader, and Thor whose stories I like to read but don't really debate for.
Geoff John's will always be my favorite writer thanks to his Green Lantern run. I also enjoyed Greg Pak's Hulk run.
It would probably have to be Dragon Ball. It's probably just nostalgia but I the original Dragon Ball Z anime is still my favorite of all time.
Eh haven't really thought about about that but I guess get a well paying job really and make as much or more money than my Dad did.
The Moderators: Your Daily Guardians
I'm just a guy trying to get along with as many people as I can. You won't find a lot of comic/movie/cartoon/tv show fans in real life, at least not the ones you can talk to about stuff like this, while you can easily do so online. And it's very entertaining to discuss so called "geeky" stuff with people who love the same things as you do but never had the chance to share it with others. I am not personally a fan of "flame wars" or having the need to justify your opinion on the battle forum by giving certain characters support "they deserve" (maybe me doing that as a rookie has something to do with it). It means you have clear agenda and bias and you see the whole process as an obligation, not a form of entertainment. That's just how I see it. I'm not trying to tell people how to discuss things online, but that is probably want you should learn about me. I'm a guy who's interested to learn things, might teach others a thing or two, and overall share my thoughts on certain topics. While you will probably see me still participate in them, my interest in battle forum discussions diminished greatly.
Overall forum. Still not 100% sure what that means, but I assume I'm allowed to moderate both battles, general discussions, off topic discussions and so on. Maybe not wiki but I guess I just have to look into it a bit more.
It was spontaneous. The first ever online site I used and was active on was Comic Vine. And yes, despite my current views on the whole thing, battle forums were the reason as to why I joined. But I never wanted to participate in CaVs, become a Hall of Famer or create a reputation for myself. Infact, I didn't even know those things existed on Vine at the time. I came across the site by searching through some wiki pages for comic characters until I discovered battle threads. My interest was just to share my thoughts on a lot of topics. So yes, that in some way, shape or form, also meant arguing or "proving someone wrong", but I never saw it as debunking shit, informing misinformed and so on. Probably because I had zero experience with social media and online discussions at the time (aside from e-mail of course) so I wasn't very confident to have enough ego to call it that way. Eventually it grew into interest in CaVs, wish to show some characters respect power wise, and even "debunk" misinformation as they call it. None of that is appealing to me anymore but you'll still see me popping out here and there.
My favorite characters to read about are probably Spider-man, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, X-Men and the Punisher (there are a few more but these are the ones I can think of at the top of my head). The reason why is because I think they are, at least during some time periods, the most consistently well written characters out there. Funny thing is, out of all these characters, only Spider-man is one of my absolute favorite ones. But sometimes you really like characters who's stories are not always good, and sometimes you will find shitty characters in great stories (not that I think any of these other characters are bad). My favorite character to debate for was Iron Man, but I debated for him so much, I'm sick of seeing him. I can't really tell who's my favorite one now because, well, again, my interest in debating dissipated.
I do have favorite book/novel authors but a lot of people who are reading this probably never heard of them so I won't bother mentioning them. My favorite comic writer is probably Jonathan Hickman. He didn't write as nearly as many issues as some of my other favorite writers, like Mark Waid for example, but almost every single thing he wrote that I read was gold. His FF and Avengers runs are both my favorite runs of their respective teams and also one of better comics I've read. Some of his lesser known work like Secret Warriors is not as nearly as great but I enjoyed those as well. It's probably unfair to include him since he wasn't writing a lot of titles and therefor it is a bit harder to find him at his worst, so if not him then Mark Waid. I don't think I have to explain why. My favorite comic artists always change when it comes to the exact order. Even when it comes to number 1, it is very very hard for me to think of the answer, especially because if someone were to ask me "if you could pick one artist to draw every single comic, who would it be", I would always answer "no one", because some artists, as good as they are, simply shouldn't draw some characters. I love Alex Ross. He is one of my favorites, but I'd never have him as an artist for a Punisher book for example. If I have to pick one writer now I guess I'll go with Steve Epting, but not even he is accurate pick. You'll just have to feel satisfied with him for now.
I really like Brubaker's Captain America. Not sure if that is my absolute favorite series but it is the first one that comes to mind that I'm comfortable giving the title to.
I’m a 24 year old guy from America (West coast)
I help moderate the Battle Forum and the Facts and Feats forum.
I actually got into online debating through YouTube versus videos. I started thinking of matchups between Star Wars characters (Luke vs Anakin, Anakin vs Mace Windu, etc.) and found that Stat Wars versus battles were being done on YouTube by many different users. When I started looking up other matchups, I found some of them had been done on Comicvine. I started lurking and reading and felt that I knew enough to give my opinions and answer people’s questions on certain matchups, so I made an account and soon found out I could talk and debate about other character and verses I liked too.
Some of my favorite characters to read about are Luke Skywalker and Quinlan VoS from Star Wars, Naruto, Sasuke, and Itachi from Naruto, Hal Jordan, Superman, Aquaman, Batman, Jessica Cruz, and Wonder Woman from DC comics, the many X-Men from Marvel, and Eragon from the Inheritance Cycle. Characters I usually find myself debating for are mostly characters from Naruto and Fairy Tail and characters from Star Wars.
I don’t really have a favorite writer or artist as I don’t pay too much attention to that, but I generally like anything drawn by Jan Duursema.
Star Wars is my favorite fictional series, hands down. There are others I like such as Lord of the Rings, Naruto, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Star Wars will always be number one for me.
My biggest ambition would be to start a family and be the dad for my kids that I never had.
Who am I? I'm Spide - I'm Reaverlation. What's there to tell? Nothing but being the average person trying to make a buck, continue my education and wake up the next day repeating the same thing with maybe a new twist lurking around the corner. I like food, drinks and breathing with the daily sleep to keep me going. Video Games are also there to help kill time.
What do I moderate? Other than The Daily Debater and some Discord Servers, sometimes my calorie intake.
Online debating was something I got involved with years ago around 2013. Beforehand, I was still getting myself into the nerd side of reading and enjoying comics until joining Comic Vine. I don't really do it anymore but if I'm gonna do it anywhere, why not TDD?
I don't really have a favorite. If I have a character I enjoy and catches my interest, then I'll put the efforts to continue reading or watching. Maybe characters on a Cosmic Level like Galactus are my least favorite. I can debate for almost any tier as long as I know the characters and I know characters on practically every tier from all sorts of media and entertainment.
Maybe not favorites but I know great artistry and writing when I see it. Writers/Artists like Mark Waid, Grant Morrison, Alex Ross and Yusuke Murata exhibit both awesome characters/stories with phenomenal designs/details that can really catch one's interest.
If there's a fictional series I'd choose from what I've read, Toriko would be one of them in terms of Manga. The constant foods shown in every chapter with exceptional detail and focus on every page. I highly enjoy the Witcher and Mass Effect series and just how expansive and mind boggling they both are.
Make something of myself and share it to those close to me.
I’m a young adult, pure-blooded Englishman taking his first step into the work force as of writing this, after passing my college media course. I’ve been a big fan of gaming for well over a decade, as well as an avid anime/manga fan for quite some time. I’m not the most sociable guy around, will admit (my 3 mental issues don’t help with that), but I’m well versed in the franchises I know well, and can hold at least a half-way decent conversation. Ultimately tho, I’m just here to have a good time, so feel free to chat with me about whatever, provided I have the time & knowledge to discuss it.
I’ll be browsing around every section of the forums, so you’ll likely see me everywhere if trouble occurs, but I’ll be focusing my efforts on keeping the battle forums & blogs clean & safe.
I started forum debating around mid-late 2016, when I first joined Comicvine (my first debating site before jumping ship to here), but I’ve been exposed to the general VS community all the way back since 2010-2011, back during the early days of Screwattack’s Death Battle series. I’m aware nowadays we can laugh & poke fun at DB for all it’s faults till the cows come home (often times for the right reasons), but that’s what got me interested in this niche, and honestly I still have a soft spot for them to this day.
To me, reading about a character & actively debating for them are essentially 2 entirely different worlds which I like to keep separate, so to break it up into 2 parts: In regards to who I prefer reading about, personally I love the ‘Jester’ archetype of characters, so dudes like Full Metal Alchemist’s Solf J. Kimblee, Durarara’s Izaya Orihara, and of course Fate/’s Gilgamesh, are always a treat for me to watch and observe how they interact with the other characters. As for debating, despite my preference for less hax focus, brick battles. I always love debating for a composite Mewtwo. Partly because it has so many moving parts which always makes a fight dynamic & interesting, mostly because it seems that I have a much higher opinion of it than most, so it’s fun seeing people’s reaction to how I view it lol. But rest assured, the gospel will be spread, and every mid tier shonen verse is getting stomped into the dirt like the fodder they are.
I’ll split writer & artist into 2 different segments, much like the previous segment: As far as writers go, I gotta go with Gen Urobuchi, the main writer behind the likes of Madoka Magica, Psycho Pass & Fate/Zero. Whilst not every show is a 10/10 masterpiece (Aldnoah Zero in particular was hardly flawless), but his stories at their peak are some of the most engrossing, powerful stuff that tackle themes & ideas that totally jell with my wants in storytelling. Not to mention he has a knack for using cool looking character designs/aestetics (e.g. Fate/Zero’s gothic fantasy, Madoka’s Witch barriers), which is the stuff I live for. And for my favorite artist, you ever get the feeling when watching a clip of something for the first time and everything just clicks with you, as if you & the artist are both on the same wavelength in terms of aesthetic preferences? That’s me with Soejima Shigenori, the character designer for the Persona series. His art always just has the sense of personality & style which are not only a joy to watch in motion, but personally speaking, it’ resonates with my tastes perfectly.
Hmmm, this is tricky for me, especially given all of the different kinds of media I consume, and that my opinions change at the drop of a hat. But if I had to pick, It’d probably be Fate/Zero. It’s the Urobutcher at his peak, with everything I love about storytelling wrapped up into a beautiful, delicious cake that gets more exquisite the more you dive in. The banquet of kings is still the greatest scene in anime, and don’t even think about @ing me. Shoutouts to Full Metal Alchemist & Noragami as very close second & third tho. Honestly ask me tomorrow and they might just overtake Fate.
Honestly, I don’t have much of an ambition. If I had to pick I’d like to work within film/TV production in some form, but so long as it pays the bills & lets me continue to pursue my hobbies, I’ll honestly take what I can get.
See ya Around!

How do you pm people?