Hey guys: Real quick, if you want to became a writer for one of our blogs, I'm taking requests/sign-ups. So shoot me a quick pm on the Member's Chat if you want to join our team!
I'll enlist you as a writer for one of the primary categories (anime/manga, comics, reviews, entertainment, live action, politics) but any blog writer has the freedom to publish an article on any topic.
As a general breakdown:
Reviews - Here is the home for all reviews, be it television, movies, products, comics, anime/manga, video games, music or sports. When you review something, I'd recommend giving it a rating with stars.
Anime/Manga - Similar with comics, any kind of thinkpiece, article, or industry news that focuses on anime and manga would go here.
Comics - Similar with anime/manga, any kind of thinkpiece, article, or industry news that focuses on comics would go here.
Live Action - Similar with anime/manga and comics, any kind of thinkpiece, article, or industry news that focuses on live action would go here. This includes more than CBM or comic book shows, but also standard television and movies.
Politics - Activism, political hot takes, news, and more.
Entertainment - Music, sports, reality TV, news, gossip, and things of that nature.
Things without category:
Any blogs on stuff like relationships, sex, mental and physical health, career advice, parenting, life hacks, business, food, money, and everything above, below and in-between these wide categories will be featured on the front page and won't belong to a specific category.