Welcome to TDD's first ever scenario. This scenario will be a mix of both debating and rping will occur within this thread with the exception of any PVP battles as well as any boss fights which will take place in the CaD forum. So this is a multi forum event. I'm looking for around 8 to 16 people. If you are interested in boss debating let me know, but know that you will just be debating nothing else.
This scenario takes place in an alternate reality of our world where various supernatural creatures exists. Vampires, Werewolfs, demons, ghosts etc. Over the years the general public mainly those in the in large populated cities have been made unware of these creatures who for the most are believed to exists only in myth and fiction. While smal villages tend to be some what aware of the creatures in the night. The government of course has knowledge on what is out there and does everything in their power to ensure it is kept out of public knowledge, going as far as to make deals with some of these creatures and covering up certain atrocities. Still there are those out there who are very much aware of these creatures. There are many organizations out there who are dedicated to dealing with the monsters of the world. Your character will likely be one of them, a person who somehow became aware of this secret and is getting involved in it. Of course not all these supernatural creatures are evil and there is good that comes out this underworld, it's up to you to figure out which is which.

The scenario begins in the City of Dogma, the Capital of Bolyver. Over the past couple of months people across the city have been disappearing without a trace. These people are of different race, social class and stature. There seems to be no motive, no trace, no clues or witness to how this happened and who is behind it. Its as if these people were simply wiped from the face of the planet. The mayor suspects something supernatural is involved and has sent out a request for help as he has no one capable of dealing with the supernatural. It is up to you to find whoever is behind this and put an end to these disappearances.
The Order of Mages

An organization hidden from the public, this is for those who wish to practice magic, something that has been outlawed, hidden and discredited. The order has a island in the clouds to hide protect those who protect magic. It is massive island for mages across the globe to stay in and even has a school for people to learn magic. The mages have taken it upon themselves to preserve and protect the various harmless creatures that exists on the planet whilst killing anything that is dangerous.
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Item: You get one item that you mage may require to cast spells like a wand or a staff. You also get to carry 2 potions.(Can be healing, adrenaline etc.)
Spellset: Pick the spellset of a magic or magic-esque user.
Skillset: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
The Sunatism Church

The largest religion in this world is Sunatism. A sort of amalgam of some our own religions that believe in the one true god. They have played a large part in making the public unware of what is truly out there. Whilst their influence is not what it once they still a large amount of people who are members of their faith. Secretly within the religion there is a group of people who are have been chosen to deal with monsters. These men and women are put through harsh training and are blessed with a power through means only a few know. While they do not officially exist, cardinals of the church across the globe call upon to deal with certain matters.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Items: You get modern light weight bullet proof armor, one melee weapon and one ranged weapon of your using made out of silver.
Skill: You get two non power based /stat amping skillsets
Power: You get one power. DC is capped at Boulder busting and hax is dealt on a case by case basis
The Lincoln Organization

The Lincoln organization was started by the son the a famous Vampire Hunter with the same name. The organization is hired by many to deal with creatures that cause trouble across the globe. They use advanced technology that most of the world isn't even aware off. Many countries go to them for help when required and have done so for over century. ]
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Special Items: You get 3 special items. Can't have DC above boulder busting and hax will be dealt on a case by case basis.
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
The Shenteng Clan

A clan from the east. They practice a special type of martial arts that allows them utilize chi. With chi they are able to perform superhuman feats. The clan is all about finding a balance between humans and others. And they hope to find away to ensure all the living beings can one day coexist with one another. Until then they do what is required to ensure both survive, they have killed monsters and humans alike to keep that balance.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Item: One silver Melee weapon of your choosing, and modern light weight bullet proof armor
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset. You get one power based skill set. E.G Ryu ki based martial arts. Can't go above the stat limit though.
Senses:You get enhanced senses, has to be inferior to MCU DD.
The Uninitiated

This is for those who don't belong to any organization or group. They have some learned of this other world and have taken it upon themselves to learn and explore it. Their purpose and agenda differ from person to person. Some are simply curious while others wish to be heroes and a few use this knowledge for more sinister means.
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Item: You get a gun of your choosing with Silver bullets.
Special item: You get one tech based weapon and one magic based weapon. Or a basic gear set.
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.

Finally if you would prefer you can be one of the creatues in the verse. This can range from Vampires, to fairies to Wendigos. Some creatures are inherently evil while others aren't. It's up to you to decide what you wish to be.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
Power set: You can choose to get the power set of a certain creature from which ever medium. So you can choose Vampires and get the powers of vampires from say the twilight verse or the withcer verse.
Race: There is an inverse lore that comes with many creatures. Could be a healing factor or special senses. Let me know the race of your pick and I will let you know the basic lore.
Your characters has just finished their training within their chosen organization and your first mission is find whoever is responsible for the disappearances. Your background will essentially detail how you learned the truth and how you ended up in your organization.
Great Northern Beast
"Master says to kill and eat. Master then tells me to stop and sleep. Master whispers words of murder. Master assures he will save her. She who slipped from this world years ago. My sweet daughter whom I miss so. Master talks so soft I can barely hear. Master screams orders in rhymes with cheer. Master says I must hunt again. Master laughs I will be with sweet Claudia in the end.... Claudia....
Body - Werewolf Wendigo Hybrid
Skill Set - Werewolf By Night
Powerset - The Captain (Hellsing)
Race - Wendigo
Files Accessed:
Main Title: Great Northern Beast
Subtitles: The Pale One, The Fairbanks Killer
Classification: Wendigo, Werewolf, Unknown
Statements: Good day Cardinal Raymonds, god bless the True God, the Sunatism Church , and our excellency. The report I have for you is inconclusive at best. These are the facts and rumors I was able to sift from the last hired gun from the Lincoln Foundation, as well out own esteem monster hunters that went after this creature. So far for facts all we know is this creature is brutish in size, with a beast like form, and pale as the snow it hides in. We also have a pretty establish hunting pattern at this time. This pattern can help us find the earliest recorded dates of its existence.
First sign of this creature was somewhere in small trading outpost of Fairbanks during a brutal winter somewhere between 1905 and 1906. Records are rather vague, but what is not vague is the multiple murders in the small community in that time frame. Mostly acts of cannibalism. The next few decades was quiet till Fairbanks suffered multiple grisly murders in the rural parts of its borders, and then few months later a line of death from the Yukon area all the way to the Great Bear Lakes. Then all was silence again for few more decades.
The latest string of grisly murders started again several months ago in the Yukon area till murders lead to the Fairbanks city once more. That when our first party of monster hunters engaged this creature. 3 out of the 4 hunters had died, but the creature was stated wounded by the survivor. His report claim only fire and silver having any affect. That is when we hired the boy from the Lincoln Organization to deal with the possible Werewolf/Wendigo. 2 months ago the mercs body was found by our monster slayer Gresk. A specialist in Wendigos. What remains he found had a data pad of the mercs recorded thoughts and observations. This appears to be no normal Wendigo, or Werewolf if that is its true nature. Gresk followed up on the Intel left behind and realize the monster was being dragged toward a new destination, the City of Dogma, which as of this recording has interesting developments of its own as of now. The trail of corpses of rural farms and homes leads a trail straight to there, and Gresk lost contact with us a month ago. We fear he caught up to the creature, and was ill tasked to slay it.
Regardless of the loss, this is the only information of the aptly name Great Northern Beast, and City of Dogma will have a very brutal winter indeed if this creature is now nestled there. I recommend another task force of hunters be sent out with haste sir, before streets run with blood.
Always faithfully yours, Scribe Mathis.
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