Welcome to the first RPG Scenario on the TDD. This is a Fantasy Scenario set in the modern day with a slight twist.
This scenario takes place in an alternate reality of our world where various supernatural creatures exists. Vampires, Werewolfs, demons, ghosts etc. Over the years the general public mainly those in the in large populated cities have been made unware of these creatures who for the most are believed to exists only in myth and fiction. While smal villages tend to be some what aware of the creatures in the night. The government of course has knowledge on what is out there and does everything in their power to ensure it is kept out of public knowledge, going as far as to make deals with some of these creatures and covering up certain atrocities. Still there are those out there who are very much aware of these creatures. There are many organizations out there who are dedicated to dealing with the monsters of the world. Your character will likely be one of them, a person who somehow became aware of this secret and is getting involved in it. Of course not all these supernatural creatures are evil and there is good that comes out this underworld, it's up to you to figure out which is which.
Basic Outline
The scenario begins in the City of Dogma, the Capital of Bolyver. Over the past couple of months people across the city have been disappearing without a trace. These people are of different race, social class and stature. There seems to be no motive, no trace, no clues or witness to how this happened and who is behind it. Its as if these people were simply wiped from the face of the planet. The mayor suspects something supernatural is involved and has sent out a request for help as he has no one capable of dealing with the supernatural. It is up to you to find whoever is behind this and put an end to these disappearances.
The Sunatism Church
You go straight to the Cardinal who summoned you once you enter the city. "Thank you for coming. I'm not sure how much you have been told but I will tell everything I know. " Says the Cardinal. "Over the past 10 weeks 9 people have gone missing and then found dead. They are always taken on the Monday of the week. And by Sunday their remains are found. And by remains, just their bones and eyeballs. Everything else seems to be missing. Some of these 9 people where members of the church and so I know their families. The police have no clue on who is doing this or how to stop them so I had to request help. I have felt a dark spirit in this city and I just know whoever is behind this cannot be human. I will offer up whatever help I can, please put an end to this."

The Order of Mages
You go to the location of the person who requested the mages for help. You end up going into the underground tunnels of the city. You suspect it could be a mage in hiding but when you arrive at the location you find a goblin.

"Hello, bet you weren't expecting a goblin huh. I know we are known to cause a lot of trouble and lie but this time it's serious. You see 9 people have been killed in this city and one of those people was my brother. He had shapeshifted into a human a year ago and was living as one for almost a year. And then he went missing. A week later his bones were found still in his human form. We Goblins are shapeshifters so we aren't as easy to kill as regular humans but it seemed to make no difference. So I know I can't avenge my brother but I thought maybe you could. I know the Order of Mages helps nonhumans too on occasions. So please find out who did this to my brother. I will tell you what little I know."
The Lincoln Organization
As you enter the city, a police officer takes you straight to the Mayor and Commissioner. The mayor is first to speak "Thank you for coming. As I'm sure you know our city has had a problem for the past nine weeks. The citizens are terrified and quite frankly my assurances of their safety are no longer working. I have asked the government, the FBI and just about everybody for help and gotten no results. The Sunati Cardinal are stirred up quite the uproar with his talks of a demon. Frankly I don't know if I believe in that stuff but I have heard your organization can deal with such things. You will have the entire city police and their resources at your disposal. Anything you need will be provided by the Commissioner here and you will compensated appropriately when this is all done. "

The Mayor then leaves you and commissioner. "Well then I will leave you to it. I was opposed to bringing you here, I think we just have a plain serial killer on the loose and none of that demon nonsense. But the Mayor's in charge so me and my officers will help you however I can. "
The Shenteng Clan
The Clan enters the city first while the rest of you follow. "This is your first mission. Remember your training and be vigilant. I can already sense several dark chi's in this city. I will be observing you, not helping you. While there are many threats to be eliminated, remember the main task is the one causing these disappearances. Focus on finding who it is first and for most. Learn the last known location of victims, study how they were taken and learn whatever you can. Find this beast before another life is lost. Now Go!"

The Uninitiated/Monster
The city is large and populous, plenty of places to explore or the hide. The entire city seems to be living in fear because of recent events, there seems to be an ominous presences hanging in the air. There are cops everywhere, and something is clearly wrong. You heard rumors of a killer on the loose, a potentially supernatural killer and that was what brought you to the city to begin with. Now you can either find out what exactly the situation is and try to fix it, or take advantage of it. One things for sure, this is going to be quite an eventful time in the city.
Shops and Currency
The currency you will be paid in and can use to get new items will be gold bullion. Special stores only accept this currency. You can trade it for the real currency of the land but it will not be useful for most of your needs. There are a few shops within the city open to monsters, mages and humans alike. The secret underworld is open to you, simply learn how to find it.

alright tagging everyone though I know more than half of you have already dropped. This was brought up in the discord server but I will ask here. How many of you are still interested in continuing this and if so would you prefer to move this to CV
@The Penultimate Titan
@Zubat Carteira
@EmperorThanos Hey sorry about this, can you control my character for a little while until my schedule clears up?
Mallory gazed at the Commissioner warmly. This woman was not the enemy, just unaware of the darkness her city faced. Ignorance is bliss. Even so, she had much work to do. "Where have the killings been taking place?" She asked the commissioner coolly. The commissioner met her gaze, "In the nearby forest." Mallory nodded, perhaps werewolves? she though to herself. "Do you have any of the victim's bodies?" The commissioner nodded. "Morgue?" Another nod. And with that Mallory wheeled around to go to the morgue.
She glanced at the other operatives that the agency had sent. Ah, yes, the Boy and his pet vampire. Mallory unconsciously thumbed the end of Judgement, her self-named hellfire spitting revolver. She would have to make sure the vampire was removed from the mortal plane before this was all over. Couldn't kill a vampire. They were already dead, Mallory would just remind them of that fact. The other one, Caesar, was a big one, and destroyed the door frame as he exited the room. Impressive. He could be useful.
You head straight to the grave of the cop. The area has been quarantined but there is no one around. Now to most this would simply look like an empty grave with a broken coffin and don't give it a second thought, but for those who take a more deeper look one can see that the coffin was infact broken from the inside. And what ever was inside brought himself out of the grave. This grave wasn't robbed.
The Coroner greets you as you enter the morgue and takes you to the most recent victim. His remains are to be claimed soon. All that's left are his bones, the coroner had managed to piece them back together to form an almost complete human skeleton. He tells you what he knows so far " Only the bones where found, nothing else. While corpse's do decompose over time this seems too fast. It seems like everything was purpose removed from the body, like they were skinned and harvested. I shudder at the thought of what happened to these people."
The forest near the city is huge spanning several acres and reach across multiple cities in the area. The section where the bodies are found was the one closest to the city and is filled with police. There a 9 markers across this area, each signifying a victim. While the victim's bodies have been removed there hole in which they were dumped. As you wander around you notice that all of them were buried the same way. You also notice another empty hole that is unmarked but this seemed to have been dug before some of the other holes. The cops simply say they saw it one day and it was empty, no one was reported missing that week so they assumed the killer took a break. As for the holes themselves, there is not much to go on though it seems they were dug by hand and that whoever did it wasn't even trying to hide them. Just dug a hole an dropped the bones.
The Goblin's apartment was ordinary and simply. One living room with a kitchen and one bedroom. When you enter the living room you can tell no one has been here in almost a week. But nothing looks out of the ordinary and while it could use a little dusting the place seems to be clean, with a slight smell of bleach in the air. Doesn't look like anything happened here or that anything was taken from his home.
The bedroom/office seems to be more of the same but without the same scent. All his clothes and personal belongings still seem to be there. Whoever took him didn't take anything else.
Rising from the Dead part 1
Class: Monster
Body: Evil Ernie
Skill: Kuroki Gensai
Power Set: Evil Ernie
Race: Undead
As the boy brushed the dirt off himself, he began to survey his surroundings. He was in some sort of makeshift graveyards, with many plots of earth around him, presumably holding other corpses. As he looked down at himsellf, he saw his flesh was rotted off and that his skeleton was bare, yet seemed to be glowing with a green energy. Shocked at how he could possibly be walking around in such a condition, he begun to remember just how he had gotten here. His father had killed him, after deeming him a monster. Well, he certainly had the appearance of one now. As he wondered what he was to do next, he heard a voice behind him say "well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" and as he turned around, he saw a decomposed corpse standing up and staring straight at him. He then let out a scream!
"Easy on the ears there gov, aint nobody gonna hurt you now, in fact, your're the one who called me" said the zombie. "Um, what the hell does that mean, exactly?" asked the boy. "Hell if I know, kid, all i know is that one moment, I was dead, and the next, I'm standing up, talking to you". "Wait" said the boy, holding up his hand; "You said I called you, but never said how you know that" "Oh, pardon my manners, I thought it was obvious" The man gestured at himself "how I know that is that there's a line of power running from you to me, I don't know how you can't see it, guv, but that there line tells me that you're the one pumping life into these bones of mine"
"I....see" the boy said hesitantly. "So, what do I call you, Mr Zombie?" The boy asked his companion. "nah, that won't do guv. Call me Jackie. Jackie Estacado at your humble service, said the zombie, with an over the top bow. "Alright Jackie".
All of a sudden, there was a high pitched shriek, and as the two undead looked over, they saw a young woman fall to the floor. "Well, this isn't good, mate" Jackie said to the boy "this aint part of the plan at all...." The boy was ignoring this, and walked over to the girl, holding his hands up in a gesture of peace. "Easy there, girl, I'm not going to hurt you" He said, approaching her.
Build - The Order of Mages
Body - MCU Black Panther
Item: Neku Sakuraba's Pins (The World Ends With You) + 2 healing potions
Spellset: Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Powers being used (all showcased in the RT):
Energy Creation
Skillset: Killua Zoldyck (Hunter X Hunter)
The new adventure Schala started defiantly didn't start in the most pleasant of manners. This was expected however, givne the private nature of meeting with this goblin, even if Schala wished she could use the opportunity to pick his brain about his race/customs of his society, but it's clear that this wasn't the time or place, lives are on the line after all.
Schala spoke to the goblin with a serious look, albeit her awkwardness around new people definitely showed, as much as she tried to bare through it.
"So then, what do you know about what happened? Did he have anyone he was meeting up with, or did he have any kind of similarities with other victims?"
As she says this, she's reminded of the goblin's comment about them often lying, and with that added fact that he was clearly a male goblin, gave Schala the idea to use her scanning ability (to those on the outside, it just look like she is simply putting her hands on her head, as if she was thinking) in order to read his mind & see if she can pick up on any extra details he might be hiding.
Name: Lu Yuhao
Class: Shenteng Clan
Body: Pre-Godcode Sniper Mask (Tenkuu Shinpan)
Weapon: 2 Katanas of different lengths
Skill: Sasaki Kojiro (Record of Ragnorak)
Special Skillset: Shi-Woon Yi (Breaker/Breaker New Waves)
Senses: Huou Yuhao (Combat Continent 2)
Yuhao walked amongst the streets carefully as he let his senses spread out to detect anything out of the norm. He has already realized that other Shenteng Clan members were here already so he had to be careful to avoid them so they didn't try and bring him back.
@MyLittleFascist Before fully exiting the room, Caesar turns to the mismatched in the room; “Keep your dog on a leash before it gets put down, boy.”
Name - Arthur Bogle
Class - Unaffiliated
Body - Vanitas
Power - The Collective Apathy (Lore altered to projecting despair/apathy as opposed to negating all emotions)
Skils & Gear - Kino
"It best be a demon to call me in, my time shouldn't be wasted on humans.... Tell me where I should start looking, Commissioner." The man in the armor's voice boomed and echoed throughout the room.
Arthur leaned against the wall, in the back of the Commissioner's office, making sure to keep an eye on the two Lincoln Agents who had been assigned to work with. Caesar and Mallory... They had quite the reputation among the other agents. Arthur had heard they were complete loose cannons who approached all non-humans with a "shoot first, ask questions later" sort of mentality.
Why the agency would assign those two the same case as him and Morg was beyond him. It seemed like quite the oversight. Perhaps someone in the higher ups was trying to get us killed... or maybe they wanted us to be forced to kill those two... Arthur suspected that either way, the outcome would be... "unpleasant".
As soon as this meeting is over, I should probably pick up Morg and stay way from the two of them. If all goes well, we should be able to complete the mission without ever running into those nut-jobs. He thought to himself.
Lilith listened silently to the words of the Cardinal in front of her. Her rage began to boil up inside of her as the man spoke, but she remained silent, her face showing no signs of the turmoil inside her. After he finished, she smiled; a show of teeth that was somewhat polite and just a little bit off at the same time, as if it was the first smile she had made in her life.
"I see. It is a terrible shame for the city to be accursed by such a wretched beast. On my name as a member of the Sunatism Church, I swear to you that I will cleanse this city of the monstrosities that plague it." She paused before placing a hand to her chin. "But first, would I be able to see one of the crime scenes? Or one of the bodies, perhaps? I would like to see if I can figure out what I'm going to be dealing with."
August Thorne waited patiently for his audience with His Eminence, the Cardinal of Dogma. He muttered the sacred mantras under his breath, looking down at the two wedding rings on his right hand. His father and mother once wore the golden pair. Unlike many of his brethren, he had not suffered loss at the hands of this world's supernatural creatures. They had both passed shortly before his ordination, some twelve years ago. He did not enjoy this line of work, like those moved by a vengeful spirit, nor did he choose it, but was drawn to do this much needed role because it was his true calling in this life.
The two guards looked frightfully at each other. Thorne's existence was a guarded secret to most of the Church, but his presence filled the room almost tangibly. The one at his left gazed at his watch before turning nervously to the priest. "Father, you may enter now." August broke from his silent mantras and looked up. He placed one strong hand on the shoulder of each man, thanking them with a polite smile before entering the grand room.
Seeing the Cardinal, he bowed his head in greeting. The clergymen then spoke. "Thank you for coming. I'm not sure how much you have been told but I will tell everything I know." August's face remained serious, and his tone educated. "Your Eminence, I thank you for calling me. Please, go ahead and inform me of these happenings." The aged man gestured for his guest to take a seat. "Over the past 10 weeks, 9 people have gone missing and then found dead. They are always taken on the Monday of the week. And by Sunday their remains are found. And, by remains, just their bones and eyeballs. Everything else seems to be missing. Some of these 9 people where members of the church and so I know their families." Thorne's face showed a pang of sadness upon hearing that even this city's faithful had been killed in such a fashion. "The police have no clue on who is doing this or how to stop them, so I had to request help. I have felt a dark spirit in this city and I just know whoever is behind this cannot be human. I will offer up whatever help I can, please put an end to this."
The father traced the scar along his face thoughtfully. "If you know them, please give me the names of these people and where they were taken." He then stood up from the chair and kneeled before the Cardinal. "But before that, I am certain you understand the risk a man in my line of work faces. I wish to leave to find this being, but I must confess before I go on my way. Once my conscience is clean, I will go on my way at once."
Another Night in Dogma
It's another night, a night of continuously looking for answers that still has done no more than to keep Dettlaff coming back to Dogma and keeping himself in this cesspool he calls Society, a resentment he's brought back up due to the disappearance of his mentor. When Dettlaff discovers anything that resembles any sort of clue to B'Chuku's whereabouts, Dettlaff doesn't hesitate to pursue. Dettlaff has came up empty-handed for the most part which lead him back to Dogma. So Dettlaff uses his other worldly powers back to use and goes back on the hunt that can tell him anything he can follow up on his mission. Dettlaff making his way to one of the Inns, Dettlaff notices the amount of cops patrolling and showing extra vigilance that can resemble any sort of potential while at the same time listening to their conversations and police chatter to pick up a trail to follow. At that time, nothing worth following was said so Dettlaff continued to the Inn. But this wasn't the standard homey and good willed Inn though as this one was more for those on the side of mischief and malevolence. Finding the right spot to avoid being confronted but also be aware of the Inn's surroundings, Dettlaff focuses and sees or hears anything that can be worth the follow. Just as it so happens, Dettlaff overhears mention of a gang on this side of Dogma that has been attempting to take advantage of the disappearance going on, giving their names a rep to give more connections to the bad side of this city. Dettlaff waits for when the man whom gave Dettlaff's these clues to momentarily separate himself from his posse. And when that happens, the man realizes he's on the roof outside unaware of how he even got there. And as he turns around, his neck feels the grasp of something inhuman with tremendous strength. Upon seeing Dettlaff's face, this man feels and understands fear like never before as Dettlaff demands:
"You will tell me everything you know on this gang who's been making a name for themselves in Dogma human.... NOW!!!"
The man tells and gives Dettlaff anything he has on this gang, revealing themselves to be the Beasts of Dogma with the Gang Leader egotistically naming himself The Beast as an attempt to make themselves appear worth a damn to other criminals. Finding this man to be rather irrelevant and useless upon receiving any and all info, Dettlaff grabs him firmly with both hands and rips him in two to the point where his innards are left dangling from both ends with Dettlaff throwing both halves off the Inn's roof, showing the city more proof and belief to what terror befalls the City of Dogma. And with that, Dettlaff makes haste to their apparent location with hopes of finding anything on B'Chuku's whereabouts........
The police have no clue on who is doing this or how to stop them so I had to request help. I have felt a dark spirit in this city and I just know whoever is behind this cannot be human. I will offer up whatever help I can, please put an end to this." Already, Beowulf feels the desire of his host to help this town, and continue his mission for the church. Despite the request however, he can't help but feel some pretty nasty gazes around him. What's more, even the priest seemed to be on edge when speaking to him personally.
"Yeah I figured as much, killing all their guys would leave me with a pretty crappy rep";he thought to himself.
"Well... guess I better start looking for a lead. Hey old man! Where should I start looking for these creeps? I can fight em well enough, just need some help in getting to em. Any idea?"
Beowulf could feel his magic circuits pulsating with anticipation, as well as the spirits of Lancelot and the kid's body he was inhabiting, though both were dormant, they each were still emitting a strong desire to rid the area of these bastards.
@EmperorThanos, "what was your brother doing shapeshifted as a human?"
“I have a connect in Lincoln. I’ll start there.” (waits for @cat outside Lincoln HQ)
The monsters that haunt you in your nightmares each have their own nightmares where they are in-turn haunted by evermore macabre abominations. It is those gruesome entities who then reside in the confines of Duat, the underworld, and resting place of all the morbidly terrifying creatures ever dreamed of.
The solar deity Ra sailed down the Nile River each and every night before dawn; surrounded by the grotesque and appalling figures in Duat. He would carry the Sun with him in tow, fending off untold legions of demons and agents of darkness who wanted to prevent the sunrise. The king of these monsters was the Great Serpent Apophis, the Lord of Chaos and embodiment of darkness. Apophis' goal was to swallow the Sun and plunge the world into darkness, destroying civilization forever.
The acute sting of a mosquito shocked Kemba back to the present. He was daydreaming of his past lives' encounter with the greatest evil in the world, engaging in battles that decided the fate of humanity. Kemba awoke on a dirty bench in a crowded village square. His lips were parched, and he stood up wearily on the uneven, sun-baked dirt. The dusty smell of old wood filled his nostrils as he took a look around to see cars along with carriages pulled by aging horses.
Then he remembered. Kemba was in a small city of Dogma. An old-looking - yet technologically advanced - dirty city characterized by scorching heat and the putrid stench of urine and beer. Well, many heroes had journey's that started from humble beginnings. However, Kemba had no desire to linger around in such a place. He knew what he had to do and where he had to go. He eventually went to the underground tunnels of the city, where he met a Goblin that represented the Order of Mages.
"Hello, bet you weren't expecting a goblin huh. I know we are known to cause a lot of trouble and lie but this time it's serious. You see 9 people have been killed in this city and one of those people was my brother. He had shapeshifted into a human a year ago and was living as one for almost a year. And then he went missing. A week later his bones were found still in his human form. We Goblins are shapeshifters so we aren't as easy to kill as regular humans but it seemed to make no difference. So I know I can't avenge my brother but I thought maybe you could. I know the Order of Mages helps nonhumans too on occasions. So please find out who did this to my brother. I will tell you what little I know."
"I'm more than willing to assist you. But I need a lead. Is there anyway you can provide me information that would help me on my search, specifically the location of his death where I can look for clues?"
Should probably title this the Main Thread.