Welcome to TDD's first ever scenario. This scenario will be a mix of both debating and rping will occur within this thread with the exception of any PVP battles as well as any boss fights which will take place in the CaD forum. So this is a multi forum event. I'm looking for around 8 to 16 people. If you are interested in boss debating let me know, but know that you will just be debating nothing else.
This scenario takes place in an alternate reality of our world where various supernatural creatures exists. Vampires, Werewolfs, demons, ghosts etc. Over the years the general public mainly those in the in large populated cities have been made unware of these creatures who for the most are believed to exists only in myth and fiction. While smal villages tend to be some what aware of the creatures in the night. The government of course has knowledge on what is out there and does everything in their power to ensure it is kept out of public knowledge, going as far as to make deals with some of these creatures and covering up certain atrocities. Still there are those out there who are very much aware of these creatures. There are many organizations out there who are dedicated to dealing with the monsters of the world. Your character will likely be one of them, a person who somehow became aware of this secret and is getting involved in it. Of course not all these supernatural creatures are evil and there is good that comes out this underworld, it's up to you to figure out which is which.

The scenario begins in the City of Dogma, the Capital of Bolyver. Over the past couple of months people across the city have been disappearing without a trace. These people are of different race, social class and stature. There seems to be no motive, no trace, no clues or witness to how this happened and who is behind it. Its as if these people were simply wiped from the face of the planet. The mayor suspects something supernatural is involved and has sent out a request for help as he has no one capable of dealing with the supernatural. It is up to you to find whoever is behind this and put an end to these disappearances.
The Order of Mages

An organization hidden from the public, this is for those who wish to practice magic, something that has been outlawed, hidden and discredited. The order has a island in the clouds to hide protect those who protect magic. It is massive island for mages across the globe to stay in and even has a school for people to learn magic. The mages have taken it upon themselves to preserve and protect the various harmless creatures that exists on the planet whilst killing anything that is dangerous.
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Item: You get one item that you mage may require to cast spells like a wand or a staff. You also get to carry 2 potions.(Can be healing, adrenaline etc.)
Spellset: Pick the spellset of a magic or magic-esque user.
Skillset: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
The Sunatism Church

The largest religion in this world is Sunatism. A sort of amalgam of some our own religions that believe in the one true god. They have played a large part in making the public unware of what is truly out there. Whilst their influence is not what it once they still a large amount of people who are members of their faith. Secretly within the religion there is a group of people who are have been chosen to deal with monsters. These men and women are put through harsh training and are blessed with a power through means only a few know. While they do not officially exist, cardinals of the church across the globe call upon to deal with certain matters.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Items: You get modern light weight bullet proof armor, one melee weapon and one ranged weapon of your using made out of silver.
Skill: You get two non power based /stat amping skillsets
Power: You get one power. DC is capped at Boulder busting and hax is dealt on a case by case basis
The Lincoln Organization

The Lincoln organization was started by the son the a famous Vampire Hunter with the same name. The organization is hired by many to deal with creatures that cause trouble across the globe. They use advanced technology that most of the world isn't even aware off. Many countries go to them for help when required and have done so for over century. ]
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Special Items: You get 3 special items. Can't have DC above boulder busting and hax will be dealt on a case by case basis.
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
The Shenteng Clan

A clan from the east. They practice a special type of martial arts that allows them utilize chi. With chi they are able to perform superhuman feats. The clan is all about finding a balance between humans and others. And they hope to find away to ensure all the living beings can one day coexist with one another. Until then they do what is required to ensure both survive, they have killed monsters and humans alike to keep that balance.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Item: One silver Melee weapon of your choosing, and modern light weight bullet proof armor
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset. You get one power based skill set. E.G Ryu ki based martial arts. Can't go above the stat limit though.
Senses:You get enhanced senses, has to be inferior to MCU DD.
The Uninitiated

This is for those who don't belong to any organization or group. They have some learned of this other world and have taken it upon themselves to learn and explore it. Their purpose and agenda differ from person to person. Some are simply curious while others wish to be heroes and a few use this knowledge for more sinister means.
Physicals: Capped at Wall busting
Speed: Bullet timing
Item: You get a gun of your choosing with Silver bullets.
Special item: You get one tech based weapon and one magic based weapon. Or a basic gear set.
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.

Finally if you would prefer you can be one of the creatues in the verse. This can range from Vampires, to fairies to Wendigos. Some creatures are inherently evil while others aren't. It's up to you to decide what you wish to be.
Physicals: Capped at boulder busting
Speed: Casual bullet timing
Skill: You get one non power based/stat amping skillset.
Power set: You can choose to get the power set of a certain creature from which ever medium. So you can choose Vampires and get the powers of vampires from say the twilight verse or the withcer verse.
Race: There is an inverse lore that comes with many creatures. Could be a healing factor or special senses. Let me know the race of your pick and I will let you know the basic lore.
Your characters has just finished their training within their chosen organization and your first mission is find whoever is responsible for the disappearances. Your background will essentially detail how you learned the truth and how you ended up in your organization.
Fr. August Thorne
Sect - Sunatist Church
Body - Alexander Anderson
Power - Dandy Man’s Cards
Skill (1) - Kanoh Agito
Skill (2) - Yoshida Shouyou
Gear - Hidden Sword
August was the single son of a deeply religious couple. He took after his father and mother and, by his 17th birthday, was ordained a Sunatist priest. In those days, Thorne wished to serve as a missionary, but his vocation was another. He was instead recommended by his cardinal to join the Church’s hidden forces - the shield of this world - for the protection of man.
Great Northern Beast
"Master says to kill and eat. Master then tells me to stop and sleep. Master whispers words of murder. Master assures he will save her. She who slipped from this world years ago. My sweet daughter whom I miss so. Master talks so soft I can barely hear. Master screams orders in rhymes with cheer. Master says I must hunt again. Master laughs I will be with sweet Claudia in the end.... Claudia....
Body - Werewolf Wendigo Hybrid
Skill Set - Werewolf By Night
Powerset - The Captain (Hellsing)
Race - Wendigo
Files Accessed:
Main Title: Great Northern Beast
Subtitles: The Pale One, The Fairbanks Killer
Classification: Wendigo, Werewolf, Unknown
Statements: Good day Cardinal Raymonds, god bless the True God, the Sunatism Church , and our excellency. The report I have for you is inconclusive at best. These are the facts and rumors I was able to sift from the last hired gun from the Lincoln Foundation, as well out own esteem monster hunters that went after this creature. So far for facts all we know is this creature is brutish in size, with a beast like form, and pale as the snow it hides in. We also have a pretty establish hunting pattern at this time. This pattern can help us find the earliest recorded dates of its existence.
First sign of this creature was somewhere in small trading outpost of Fairbanks during a brutal winter somewhere between 1905 and 1906. Records are rather vague, but what is not vague is the multiple murders in the small community in that time frame. Mostly acts of cannibalism. The next few decades was quiet till Fairbanks suffered multiple grisly murders in the rural parts of its borders, and then few months later a line of death from the Yukon area all the way to the Great Bear Lakes. Then all was silence again for few more decades.
The latest string of grisly murders started again several months ago in the Yukon area till murders lead to the Fairbanks city once more. That when our first party of monster hunters engaged this creature. 3 out of the 4 hunters had died, but the creature was stated wounded by the survivor. His report claim only fire and silver having any affect. That is when we hired the boy from the Lincoln Organization to deal with the possible Werewolf/Wendigo. 2 months ago the mercs body was found by our monster slayer Gresk. A specialist in Wendigos. What remains he found had a data pad of the mercs recorded thoughts and observations. This appears to be no normal Wendigo, or Werewolf if that is its true nature. Gresk followed up on the Intel left behind and realize the monster was being dragged toward a new destination, the City of Dogma, which as of this recording has interesting developments of its own as of now. The trail of corpses of rural farms and homes leads a trail straight to there, and Gresk lost contact with us a month ago. We fear he caught up to the creature, and was ill tasked to slay it.
Regardless of the loss, this is the only information of the aptly name Great Northern Beast, and City of Dogma will have a very brutal winter indeed if this creature is now nestled there. I recommend another task force of hunters be sent out with haste sir, before streets run with blood.
Always faithfully yours, Scribe Mathis.
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Need any bosses still? You know Im up for that. Though like to know will a character boss be picked for me or do I chose a character in a certain tier/range?
Let me know.
@The Penultimate Titan
@Zubat Carteira
Ok starting this today. Some still need to give me their backgrounds or edit theirs.
Name: Caesar
Organization: Lincolin
Body: Space Marine
Special items: Power Armor, Heavy Bolter, Power Sword
Skill: Deathstroke
Bio: Caesar stands nine feet tall, only furthered by the armor surrounding every inch of his body. He is a special forces operative working under the Lincoln organization. He is fond of an ancient civilization all but lost to time, and his armor and sword reflect that in their design. He believes no monster is capable of being "good" and is war torn on ending the idea of monsters completely, and has singlehandedly wiped out multiple enclaves of anathema regardless of their hostility.
The only friend he has in this world is a monk named Kung Fu Kenny
In the heart of this melting pot of crime stands an oasis, where one man struggles against the forces that turned his loved ones to lives of violence and shame.
Name: Kung Fu Kenny
Class: Monks
Body: Jack the Ripper
Skills: Dante / Karnak
Item: Knuckles
Senses: Robocop
One of the longest standing members of the organization, Mallory was born in 1853, and at the age of twelve into a vampire slave house, where she endured the horror of watching her family members be used for the harvest one by one, until, at the age of twelve she was rescued by the future founder of the organization, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln, and his father. As the organization developed, she began to develop particular feelings for one of her fellow slayers William Vanderbilt, much to the chagrin of his wife, Alva Smith Vanderbilt. Alva promptly divorced him, and married Oliver Belmont, who in addition to being incredibly rich, was also, much like William, a vampire hunter and the rivalry within the Lincoln Organization began. The rivaling couples each boasted their hunting parties to be the best, and over the years enjoyed the progress that can only be brought on by competition. However, exhilaration turned to despair as the Belmonts created a new weapon to fight against the monstrous creatures of the night, a monster of their own, designed by a man named Victor Frankenstein. In a raid against a particularly powerful vampire, the Creature destroyed not only the vampire, but also killed Will. Tears streaking down her face, Mallory could not destroy the infernal monster of Frankenstein's making, and she could not take revenge against the Belmont's, for their transgression had been in error, not out of malice.Since then, Mallory has taken it upon herself to not only find a way to destroy the immortal creature that killed her husband, but also every single monster, so that she may finally rest with her beloved, with the job finally finished.
At the current time, after being reprimanded for slaughtering a group of the KKK at a rally (whom she insists were attempting to summon a demon), she has been re-assigned to mandatory basic training, in order that she catches up with modern protocol. With all the destruction left in her wake, she doesn't see much else moving forward, except for a whole lot of bodies.
Faction: The Lincoln Organization
Age: 166
Body: Ty Lee (A:TLA)
Skills: Frank Castle (Earth-616)
Special Gear: The Second Gun, The Fourth Gun, The Fifth Gun (The Sixth Gun)
Posting this for Andi, since she doesn't have an account yet, and the deadline is coming up.
Morgakiz Sarazich:
Class: Vampiric Entity of Unknown Origin
Body: Lord Bayon.
Power-Set: D'Spayre.
Skills: Doctor Strange(Ultimate).
She'll expand on it later, see the post above for basic details.
Name - Arthur Bogle
Class - Unaffiliated
Body - Vanitas
Power - The Collective Apathy (Lore altered to projecting despair/apathy as opposed to negating all emotions)
Skils & Gear - Kino
Arthur is a mysterious drifter with an unusual curse. Wherever he goes, a certain "gloom" follows. His power starts subtle. A sense of tiredness and depression. However, if he stays in one place for too long, those around him will slowly become bed ridden and refuse to eat our drink. Eventually, they even die.
As such, Arthur spent much of his life as a drifter, never staying in one place for more than few days. This all changed when he was captured by the Lincoln Foundation. You see, the Foundation had gotten their hands on a coffin said to contain an ancient and powerful Vampire known as "Morgakiz Sarazich". Unlike normal vampires, this one feeds on emotions... particularly "despair".
The Lincoln organization hoped to awaken this vampire and use her as a weapon. For that, they needed a powerful source of despair, and thus they chose Arthur. The two of them now work as unwilling associates for the organization. Arthur as found that Morgakiz is able to continuously absorb any gloom that passively leaks from his body, as long as they are near each other.
Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds:
Fluffy felt like he was cursed in a way. This time he had felt the dimensional shift as he appeared in the middle of a training section at the Order of the Mages.
He decided to go along with it until he could find a way out.
Faction: Order of Mages
Body: Bastian
Skillset: Bastian
Spellset: Narberal Gamma (Fly, Invisibility, Message, Fireball and Lightning)
Potions: 2 Healing ones
Kemba - The Ghost of Nirvana
Sect - The Order of Mages
Body - Cassidy Crawford
Items - Silver dagger, 2 healing potions
Spellset - John Dusk Aura Manipulation (until I find something more magic-y)
Skillset - Backlash
Kemba is the reincarnation of Ra, the Egyptian King of Gods and primordial God of the Sun. His birth alone was heralded by a brilliant conflagration on a heavenly scale; an aura exuded from him that subjugated the residents of otherworldly locations. Kemba was inborn with pride and the forbidden knowledge of the universe's darkest secrets. He harbored a God complex but also a deep-seated love-hate relationship with humanity.
However, as Kemba was blessed with the power and authority of Ra, so was he also cursed with his enemies and weaknesses. Particularly, the daily and eternal conflict and struggle with Apophis, the embodiment of chaos who opposed truth and order. Apophis' ultimate destiny was to consume the Sun and bestow a plight that would ravage all creation. He battled Ra endlessly through Duat, the underworld.
Kemba's dream was to achieve the power necessary to vanquish Apophis once and for all, in order to eliminate the perennial threat to the safety of the world.
Dettlaff Van Der Eretein: The Beast of Bolyver!
Centuries...Centuries has been a lot of time for one who lives the life of an Immortal being whom has roamed the world and has seen and done all. Though he's not the only one of his kind, Dettlaff has been on his own for a huge majority of the time he's spent on Earth. Despite Dettlaff being able to casually blend into the rest of Human Society with most, if not all of civilization unaware of the powerful presence and monster he is, Dettlaff isn't one to enjoy or even be a part of the people of ideals that shape the world into what it became over years. Despite being a Higher Vampire, a class of race among the world of monsters whom stand above almost, if not every monster race, people has misconceptions for the type of monster/classification they are since vampires like Dettlaff aren't inherently violent and bloodthirsty in nature. So Dettlaff for the most part has been on his lonesome, either continuously on the road or staying in some random city of the world minding his own business...
Until there came a day a few decades or so back when Dettlaff came through the City of Dogma attending to a certain matter that gave him slight disturbance. Dettlaff having entered into an Inn to have a moment of peace to himself and possibly indulge himself on the humanly products of food, drink and possibly hostility. Upon reaching the Innkeeper's counter, while going through the busy commerce of the Inn as though a celebration was happening, a man brushed against him too hard and having spilt his drink on Dettlaff due to the heavy intoxication dwelling upon the foolish man. Having lost his temper, Dettlaff's inner beast almost began to pour out through his hand becoming a monster shaped hand of death. Dettlaff knew he had to hide it and control himself since continuing down this path would leave to massive bloodshed. As Dettlaff attempted to calm himself, a stranger put a hand on Dettlaff's shoulder and when Dettlaff saw the face of this man, Dettlaff saw reassurance and calmness pouring out through him while the Stranger relieved Dettlaff of his anger by pushing off the Drunk of a Man. Almost as if this Stranger knew what Dettlaff was or what he was going through at the moment, this Stranger offered Dettlaff a refreshment and apologized to Dettlaff for the behavior that Dettlaff had to endure going through the Inn. So instead of a lonely time of "peace" and catching one's breath, Dettlaff was in the company of a human, and a Stranger no less, and both going down a path that lead to the door of an everlasting friendship. Through their conversation, the Stranger revealed himself to be B'Chuku Johnson, a former member of the The Shenteng Clan. B'Chuku was one of their best and highly skilled members whom elevated himself to be a Master, a unique type of character who mentors and trains those to be the best they can be in Martial Arts and all forms of combat but B'Chuku incorporated his fighting knowledge into what he calls "Way of the Panther". Not many knew about this style since B'Chuku was someone who never took anyone under his wing and did at most give pointers to other fighters. Maybe it was through fate or some other supernatural occurence, B'Chuku saw something in Dettlaff. B'Chuku offered Dettlaff what seemed like an opportunity of a lifetime, which is ironic due to Dettlaff's immortality, and presented Dettlaff the idea to hone and reshape himself into something more. Dettlaff ultimately went along with B'Chuku as this gave him the chance to truly find something in himself to be a part of the rest of the world and possibly show that monsters such as himself can be a part of society. For years to come, Dettlaff trained and trained vigorously and endlessly honing his new learnt fighting prowess and abilities he possesses as a Higher Vampire, showing how comfortable both him and his new Mentor/Friend are with each other that Dettlaff revealing himself to be a Monster showed no discomfort to either of them.....
After years and years of nonstop bonding and training, B'Chuku revealed to Dettlaff that he can teach him no more. B'Chuku revealed to Dettlaff that he is ready to be out in the world again as a new man, a new being who should set on a new path for himself and see what he can do for Society. Before setting off, Dettlaff shook hands with B'Chuku, telling him he was more than just his mentor but a brother to him, a member of his pack and someone he will hold dear to him. So for a decade until more present times, Dettlaff put what he learned into true practice with slaying the occasional monster in one city or meeting new people in the next. Anytime Dettlaff would decide to help someone from devious crime or slay a troublesome beast, he would never take credit for it and leave others to take the credit for him. Usually these types of deeds would be more practice for Dettlaff to always remind himself of what he learned from B'Chuku. Being a week before the couple of months that come to haunt the City of Dogma, Dettlaff decided to return to the home/dojo of B'Chuku but upon just entering the vicinity of his home, Dettlaff realized something was wrong. Barging into his former home, Dettlaff sees everything is a mess and destroyed as if the home was attacked. Normally Dettlaff wouldn't be worried knowing that B'Chuku a formidable opponent but the presence surrounding the area threw him off. Upon investigating further, Dettlaff finds a note describing that B'Chuku was taken through force and that further looking into this matter will only result to B'Chuku being permanently missing. Something many don't know is that Higher Vampires like Dettlaff have emotions like any other person but when creatures like Dettlaff experience emotion, it's on a whole other level that they seem like another person entirely. All those years of being in human society, learning to adapt to their environment and not resorting to unleashing his own beasthood has gone out the window entirely. Without giving a second thought to the circumstances given to him, Dettlaff set off to find his brother whom he holds dear to him. Dettlaff found the slightest clue that led him to the one place where his brotherhood all started from; the City of Dogma. All those rumors and news reports of people going missing without a shred of proof of evidence? The frights that people have gotten stitched into them for the fear of stepping out into the streets? Before Dettlaff stepped back into the City of Dogma prior to these months, Dettlaff said one thing to this city before looking for his pack brother:
"If you acknowledge any gods... start praying now!"
Player Build:
Class/Faction: Monsters
Character/Body/Powerset: Dettlaff Van Der Eretein
Skillset: 616 Black Panther
Race: Witcherverse Higher Vampire
Name: Lu Yuhao
Class: Shenteng Clan
Body: Pre-Godcode Sniper MAsk (Tenkuu Shinpan)
Weapon: 2 Katanas of different lengths
Skill: Sasaki Kojiro (Record of Ragnorak)
Special Skillset: Shi-Woon Yi (Breaker/Breaker New Waves)
Senses: Huou Yuhao (Combat Continent 2)
Born and raised in the Shenteng Clan Yuhao dreamed of being able to leave and experience the world on his own. So one day on his 18th birthday he finally broke free from the clan and went out on his own.
He later spent 3 years roaming from place to place testing his skills while eliminating various supernatural threats he was hired to defeat for a living. Slowly but surely he allowed his technique to evolve taking in the techniques of various opponents he had faced and incorporating it into his own unique style.
One day he was contacted about a interesting job of various disappearances in Dogma. Seeing a chance to test and improve his skills Yuhao set forth to solve the case.
Born to a normal family, almost one like any other, the boy was born special, although he would not realize it until the very end. As a child, he was loved by his family, and loved his family in return, that was, until his tenth birthday. On that day, a change occurred in the boy and his family
It began simple enough. His parents began to suffer from chronic headaches, the origin unknown. The local medic could not understand the cause, and thus, could only offer simple relief. The boy, none the wiser, simply continued in his childhood, while not fully comprehending what was happening around him
Then, at the age of 14, his parents complained again to not only having headaches, but also hearing a constant voice in their heads. Neither sleep nor medication was strong enough to alleviate this symptom. It was then that his parents began to grow irritated with the boys presence. And it was then, that the abuse started. His parents began turning to alcohol to somehow numb the pain and sound of the voices, which worked for a time, until they required more and more to keep the pain away. And of course, this led to....incidents. A bumping into here, a raising of voices there. But there was never any purposeful physical violence. Then his father lost his job in a scandal. It was then that his father began blaming the boy for his life turning upside down, and began striking the boy. The pressure got too much for the boys mother, and she left one night, only leaving a brief note to the boy and his father. Now, trapped with his father, that was when the boys life took a turn for the worse.
He was now 16. His days were filled with the tribulations of young adulthood, and his nights were filled with the smell of alcohol and the feeling of closed fists against his face. The boy had been constantly abused by his father since his mother left, him being a constant source of blame. The boy began to pray for an out from his life, but life did not improve for him. His abilities also began to manifest, and he found that he could hear his fathers thoughts, and even the thoughts of his neighbors. Thoughts of pity and hatred often mingled together in the boys mind, due to the thoughts of his father and town. They knew of his abuse, knew that he suffered, and did nothing about it. They let him suffer, so that the father would not take his anger out on the town.
Then, one night, on his 17th birthday, it all came to a head. The day was never celebrated in the household. It just meant an extra bottle at the local watering hole for his father. The boy was in his room, penning a note for his father, telling him that he was leaving and never coming back. He prepared to pack his things and run away. That was when the heard the door slam. His father was home. "thud thud thud" came his footsteps up the stairs and he flung open the door to the boys room. The first thing he spied was the note the boy had written. Rushing to get to it first, the boy was knocked across the room by the fathers fist. He could only watch as his father read the note. His face turning red from anger. "Leaving me, are you, boy? Oh I don't think so. I can't have a monster like you upon the world". Setting down the note, the father went downstairs. The boy at this point was stunned. The things he could hear from his father couldn't possibly be true. He quickly got up, and rushed down the stairs, forgoing his things, thinking only of his life. Then he heard the cocking of the gun. Turning around, he felt the hot metal hit his chest. Felt his organs rupture, felt blood beginning to come to his throat, as he began to choke on it. As he collapsed to the floor, he saw his father mouth to him "I can't let a monster like you out into the world". And the boy knew no more.
But this was not meant to be the end. No, instead, the boy found himself in darkness, under wet earth. Clawing his way out of the makeshift coffin, he gasped the breath of fresh air. Looking out into the distance, he saw the lights of a far off city, a city he had never been to. A city called Dogma.
Player Build:
Class: Monster
Body: Evil Ernie
Skill: Kuroki Gensai
Power Set: Evil Ernie
Race: Undead
Name - Lillith Ruste
Lilith was born to an average family in an average town and lived an average life. Nothing miraculous happened to her and in turn, she gave nothing miraculous to the world. Her father was always a strange one, being the sort who had always planned for the worst and a self-proclaimed "doomsday prepper." Over time his delusions became more and more severe until he reached a tipping point, pushing him and his family outside of the city and into the wilderness so they could live off the land and off the radar. They lived out there for several years, and had developed a good cycle of farming for food, their prosperity granting Lilith's father the opportunity to teach his daughter the basics of self-defence, for what sweet little teaching a mere child amounted to.
4 years later, when Lilith was 10 years old, the unthinkable happened. A monster appeared out of the foliage of the forest and rushed towards the peaceful family. Lilith's parents were killed by the beast, but her father was able to wound its leg during the scuffle. Lilith was frozen, staring wide-eyed at the scene in front of her, but was shocked back into movement upon watching her father's death. Lilith turned and ran into the forest, running away from both the beast and the sickening sounds as it ate what used to be her family.
Lilith was a capable gatherer. She was able to live off the land in the forest as she retraced the families steps to civilization. At this point, though, living wasn't much on her mind. She was consumed by rage and hatred towards the monster that killed her family, and she wanted revenge. She swore that she would wipe out every monster from the face of this world, for better or for worse. Carrying this hatred with her as she returned to society an orphan, she was sent to a church-owned orphanage, where her knowledge and ruthlessness towards monsters that most don't even consider to be real was noticed by the priests. She was taken in proper and trained as a weapon, eventually being granted a power of her own to fight back. Lilith's gift, teleportation, caused her to laugh to herself. Was the universe mocking her for running that day? Is that why she was gifted such an ability? It mattered not. Lilith would happily use her ironic gift to ensure no family would be torn apart by a monster again.
Body - Hansa Cervantes (Fate/Strange Fake)
Skillset(s) - Kusanagi Takeru (Antimagic Academy), Ootori Ouka (Antimagic Academy)
Gear - Sword, dual Desert Eagles
Power - Shimazaki Ryo's teleportation
Schala Lumina: The Magically Mythical Obsessive
Backstory/Bio/Theme Song:
Age: 18
Personality Traits: Intelligent, Kind, Shy, Empathetic, gets excited about things that interest her, generally bad at hiding her emotions, not good with social skills.
Likes: Learning, Books, Travel
Dislikes: People insulting her intelligence (in whatever form that comes), Boys, Mice/Vermin
Schala Lumina was born into a small family of 3, including herself, within the island for mages. The other 2 family members consisted of a loving yet fiercely protective mother, who's seemingly infinite wisdom led to life at home having no shortage of smiles for the child. The mother, known as Ruri, whilst not any sort of masterful, S-class prodigy when it came to magic, she more than made up for with her knowledge of both the island they live on, as well as the surface world. When Ruri wasn't head first into any research materials she could find or preparing Schala for school/food, she made it a very often event that the 2 would sit down & have Ruri monologue about all of the mysterious & wondrous tales of all kinds of people/myths.
Normally, most kids would be bored with the habituation of these kind of narratives, but Schala was always in love with her mother's teachings, deeply engrossed with every word, hoping she could one day go down to the surface world and bring back one of these discoveries as a new friend. Due to this, most of her school life was spent absorbed in various types of novels, both fiction & non-fiction. Whilst she didn't make many friends beyond fellow bookworms, she was considered a prodigy in magecraft both practically & academically, even if she was always focused on Ruri's fantasies. Most of the teachers & fellow students thought all of Ruri's teachings were just a bunch of hoaxes, but Schala was having nothing of it. Schala knew they were real, and she'd prove it no matter what.
As for Schala's father, Kasuka, things were a lot more distant. You see, Schala was never a big fan of the whole 'magecraft is outlawed' business, always thinking it's stupid how something so wonderful & useful can be seen with such prejudice, and hoped to break these shackles one of these days. However Kasuka is a deep follower of the traditions of the land, so whatever's written down is law by his standards, leading to a lot of friction between the 2, even ignoring how he was always busy with work all the time due to 'something' happening in the future, of which Schala knew nothing of, nor did anyone else due to the restrictions placed on her father's divination magic he prided himself on.
Then all of a sudden, on one of Schala's final days at the school, the entirety of the top 15 students in the school (of which she was ranked 3rd) was gathered in the main hall for a special sudden announcement from the headmaster of the facility, Mr. Lumina:
"Ladies & Gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice. I'll get right to my point. Due to my recent precognitions, it would appear that we will need to send one of you down to the surface
As the days went by, anticipation went rushing through the top 15 every waking moment. Who would it be? What will be the reasoning, if any? All of these questions & more, not to mention the approximately 10 quadrillion rumours that spread because of it, made Schala ponder her chances:
'No way Dad would play favourites for me, for something that sounds this important it's only natural they pick the best of the best.'
Schala thought, already written off her chances, and as such, she was the only one not stressed due to accepting her fate of not being picked. Or at least, going by what she thought...
Come the final day, and the same 15 students were set back up. Same room, same time, same booming headmaster preaching to his audience.
"I believe you have all waited, and I thank you for your patience. Rest assured, no matter how gets picked, you are all spectacular wizards & witches, and are guaranteed to bring joy & pride to future generations to come. However, we as an facility have decided on the person we will send.
Kasuka then points towards her sweet, little daughter:
"Mistress Schala. We've decided that you, will be our representative. Please come with me now, everyone else is dismissed."
And just like that, it was if reality itself broke down. Every other student immediately glared at the little bookworm in the corner of all the seats, and if looks could kill...well let's just say it wouldn't' be very good for the kids. Kasuka paid it no mind however, as he quietly waltzed out of the area, with Chala following suite until they reached the edge of the island, where a warp gate set up by other mages was already prepared.
"Now then, Schala. I should probably explain myself properly. Truth be told, this is your true final exam. A couple days ago, my precognition caught up with time, and it showed that I had to pick someone to go to the surface in order to solve a case in the City of Dogma. Their has been a series of disappearances we've no trace, and we were asked to send someone down to find any results."
Chala had stayed silent through Kasuka's exposition, still lost in awe as to why her, prompting her father to condole her properly, as he leans down & puts his hand on her soft shoulder.
"L-look, Schala. I know I haven't been much of a father, wth all the work I needed to do, but I know you want to go to the surface and find those rumours your mother believes, and no one else could care less about the surface, let alone that monotone clone they call a number 1, ey lass?
At this point the emotions were getting to Schala, and could barely speak through the sheer joy of her father's request.
"D-d-darn it Dad,you big meanie."
She grabs hold of Kasuka and gives him the biggest hug she could muster.
"You better take care of mom whilst I'm gone. And when I come back, I'll show you every single story she said was true, just you watch!"
The father embraces his child back for the first time in what feels like decades, letting out a small chuckle.
"Don't worry, I'll keep care of her, not like I have any work to do. Just remember to be safe out here, we left the surface world for a reason, so try & keep using magic to a minimum, or at least do it subtely."
By this point, Schala was already letting go of Kasuka & on her way to the portal, skipping & hopping with a wide grin, before turning back, getting her suitcase which carried all of her pins for magic & other necessities, finally ending with turning around and having at her old man.
"Bye Dad! I'll be back faster than you can say 'chingo bibingo'."
And just like that, Chala runs through the portal and enters the city of Dogma. Will this journey be as magical as Chala thinks, will she be forced to face her worst possible nightmare, or something in between? Follow along, and you might just find out
Build - The Order of Mages
Body - MCU Black Panther
Item: Neku Sakuraba's Pins (The World Ends With You)
Spellset: Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Powers being used (all showcased in the RT):
Energy Creation
Skillset: Killua Zoldyck (Hunter X Hunter)
Going to reserve with this build for now: @EmperorThanos
Beowulf, Mad Dog of the Church:
Height: 6'3
Weight: 210 lbs
Strength: A+
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Ability: B+
Long ago, the Sunati Church initiated a holy ritual; one that would allow them to summon, bind, and control heroic spirits of the past. Many times they tried, many times they failed. It wasn't until hundreds of attempts later that they found success. Two fallen heroes of old, Beowulf and Lancelot, answered the call. A call that would be met with rage and blood. Both heroes were stricken with an incurable madness, no doubt due to some flaw present in the summoning ritual. Blade and Fist clashed, bodies were mangled, buildings shattered. Eventually, the fighting came to a standstill, both heroes depleted of their energy. Consequently both warriors regained themselves.
Noting the carnage, Beowulf was struck with an inescapable guilt. Remembering the rage and wrath of his long slain foe Grendel, Beowulf couldn't help but feel a disgusting kinship with the mad beast. It was enough to nearly drive him insane again. Before the madness overtook him, he noticed a young follower of the church. Still Alive. Beowulf saw an immediate path to redemption and went for the man. Before he could reach him, he once again heard Lancelot's scream. The devout Knight seemingly could not handle the tragedy he had wrought, no doubt remembering some tragic mistake of the past. A mistake that likely led to his current state. He attacked again, leaping for Beowulf and the youth.
Still weak from their previous encounter, Beowulf could not hope to fend him off alone and with no means to restore his energy. That's when he looked to the dying youth once more. Thinking on his feet and wishing to save him, Beowulf offered a choice. Merge with him and become a Demi-Servant; together they could potentially defeat Lancelot. The boy accepted, and the two became one. The battle raged once more. Eventually defeating the fallen knight of Arthur's court, they found that instead of him returning from whence he came, the merged Beowulf and Human instead absorbed his essence granting them a portion of Lancelot's powers.
Deciding to let the boy guide their new merged form, Beowulf became an ally of the church, a beast and weapon to fight and heed their will. Inspired by his new host's faith and the merged powers of Lancelot and his own, Beowulf stepped forth
Player Build:
Class/Faction: Sunatism Church
Body: Sakaki Shio
Weapons: Gauntlets w/Bladed Claws/ Staff
Skillsets: Sakaki Shio/Composite Deathstroke.
Power: Knight of Honor (Fate/Zero)
Agixius, Master of the Arfic Arts
- Percy body - MCU Sling Ring - MCU Strange Spellset --> Eldritch Weapon Conjuration (swords, whips, bands) --> Portal Making (w/ Sling Ring) --> Shields --> Magic Platforms --> Energy Projection - Dark MK (Into the Badlands) Skillset
Abandoned by his mother at an early age, Agixius was raised solely by his father. The eldest of seven siblings, he grew up in a large house of wealth. Joining the military at a young age, he began to hear rumors here and there. The sole survivor of a monster attack in his troop, he was taken in by the secretive Order of Mages. There, he trained day and night to become a top operative, ready to be sent out at a moments' notice.
Percy body - MCU Sling Ring - MCU Strange Spellset
Eldritch Weapon Conjuration (swords, whips, bands)
Portal Making (w/ Sling Ring)
Magic Platforms
Energy Projection
Dark MK (Into the Badlands) Skillset
Class/Faction: Sunatism Church
Body: Sakaki Shio
Weapons: Gauntlets w/Bladed Claws
Skillsets: Sakaki Shio/Composite Deathstroke.
Power: Knight of Honor (Fate/Zero)