For this fight the Comics (Marvel and IDW) Joe/Cobra will team up to face a bigger threat in Winter Sodier Bucky.
Scarlett is a expert in Tae Kwon Do, and mastered her family Martial Arts at age of 15 when given her Black Belt. She is a master marksmen in her universe, and proficient in most Army Military guns, as well various Ninja weapons. She is also train as a Airborne Ranger, Marine Recon Sniper, and Covert Ops schools.
She will have her M-9, Crossbow, Normal and HE Arrows, Knife, Ninja Stars, Flexible Body Armor, and Sword Deflecting Gauntlets.
Zartan is one of Cobra's best field operatives. A master of Disguise that can change forms (Human wise) on a drop of a dime to escape or ambush in the middle of a fight. Zartan is also master of throwing his voice off to distract others. He is a stated a practitioner of several Mystical Martial Arts, including a specific Ninja Clan of fame in the Joe Verse, and Snake Eyes Ninja Clan too. He is also a decent marksmen by joe standards but is stated not same level as Joe best marksmen. He mostly uses a laser pistol but also uses knives, bows, and shurikens.
He will have his standard Holgraphic Projector, Cobra Laser Pistol (burns clean holes through even kevlar wearing soldiers), Light Body Armor, Combat Knives, and Shurikens.

Bucky is the slightly super human side kick of Captain America. Train by the Russians to be their best assassin. A Martial Arts Expert right below Captain America, and a high Marksmen on same level as Punisher. He has a advance and durable robotic left arm, and wields many military grade guns for gear.
He will be using his Bionic Arm, Kevlar Body Armor, MP5 SMG, Colt .45, and a Combat Knife.
Death or KO.
Joe/Cobra team is working together.
Joe feats are from all IDW comics, Devils Due comics, and Marvel comics.
Bucky gets his Marvel comics 616 feats.
They start 1000 feet apart in a large mini mall with many shops and stores. Split by a large food court with children rides and such in the middle.
There is a handful of bystanders hiding and taking cover.
Do these people have respect threads?