This is a thread where you can sign up to be tagged for certain battles with characters that interest you. Just post a comment saying what series you'd like to be in and what kind of media it is, and I'll add you. If there is not a section for your show or character already, request one and I'll probably add it.
If you're listed somewhere here and don't want to be, tell me and I'll remove you.
I have not gone and updated it since the last time the previous owner did, so if you've asked to be added to anything in the past few months and are not, please ask again.
If you have a list of anything more than say, 5, please put them in alphabetical order as well as media category.
These will be the best time(s) for me to add you to the phonebook:
Fridays: 1:00-3:00 P.M ET
If I a full week has gone by and I have not added or responded to you, please tag me again.
This is not a thread or phonebook that should be used to spam, troll, or bother other users. This is to garner attention to threads that you feel deserve informative opinions and thoughts. This is meant to spread and open up the community. Not close it off. Please use it responsibly. If misused, it will either be shut down or the misuser banned.
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, The God of Highschool, and Naruto please
Add me for FMA, HxH, and Naruto.
Superman and other Kryptonians, Hal Jordan, any real life scenario like for example The Mountain vs a hyena
Sign me up for anything CBLA.
Under Television; Add me to "The Originals"
-Nanatsu no Taizai
-One Piece
-Fullmetal Alchemist
-Rave Master
-Fire Force
All Manga btw
Sign me up for DCEU, Fairy Tail, and MCU please. Incredibly excited for this.
Extra Slot 2
Extra Slot 1
Other Universes:
Video Games:
Manga and Anime:
Dark Horse:
Other Publishers:
DC Comics
All DC Threads:
All Marvel Threads: