In character
No prep
Win by any means except BFR
Standard gear
Thanos is fully healed and rested between rounds
Begin visible
Begin 50 feet apart
Planet is indestructible
Fight takes place here:

Frieza (Namek)
Android 17 (Android Saga)
Imperfect Cell
Gohan (Cell Saga)
Goku (Buu Saga)
Kid Buu
SSJ God Goku
How far does Thanos make it?
Though tanking Thor's lightning is more current, tanking Surfer's blasts is a more weaker Thanos. His encounter with Odin isn't necessarily an outlier since Odin one shotted Surfer with ease, the same Surfer who tank planets exploding and supernovas. Yeah it went through the force field but Thanos was blasted himself (Thanos has casually brought them up against BRB for example). Even Galactus while near death blew up 3 star systems kek so SPC's Solar System statement would be inferior. Gohan needs to go all out to beat Thanos and can't be the little wuss that he was against Cell due to being afraid of the power within him. If Gohan was SSJ2, then yeah I'd definitely side with Gohan beating him. Not because of the raw power he has but his mindset is completely different though he did toy with his food.