Welcome to the first RPG Scenario on the TDD. This is a Fantasy Scenario set in the modern day with a slight twist.
This scenario takes place in an alternate reality of our world where various supernatural creatures exists. Vampires, Werewolfs, demons, ghosts etc. Over the years the general public mainly those in the in large populated cities have been made unware of these creatures who for the most are believed to exists only in myth and fiction. While smal villages tend to be some what aware of the creatures in the night. The government of course has knowledge on what is out there and does everything in their power to ensure it is kept out of public knowledge, going as far as to make deals with some of these creatures and covering up certain atrocities. Still there are those out there who are very much aware of these creatures. There are many organizations out there who are dedicated to dealing with the monsters of the world. Your character will likely be one of them, a person who somehow became aware of this secret and is getting involved in it. Of course not all these supernatural creatures are evil and there is good that comes out this underworld, it's up to you to figure out which is which.
Basic Outline
The scenario begins in the City of Dogma, the Capital of Bolyver. Over the past couple of months people across the city have been disappearing without a trace. These people are of different race, social class and stature. There seems to be no motive, no trace, no clues or witness to how this happened and who is behind it. Its as if these people were simply wiped from the face of the planet. The mayor suspects something supernatural is involved and has sent out a request for help as he has no one capable of dealing with the supernatural. It is up to you to find whoever is behind this and put an end to these disappearances.
The Sunatism Church
You go straight to the Cardinal who summoned you once you enter the city. "Thank you for coming. I'm not sure how much you have been told but I will tell everything I know. " Says the Cardinal. "Over the past 10 weeks 9 people have gone missing and then found dead. They are always taken on the Monday of the week. And by Sunday their remains are found. And by remains, just their bones and eyeballs. Everything else seems to be missing. Some of these 9 people where members of the church and so I know their families. The police have no clue on who is doing this or how to stop them so I had to request help. I have felt a dark spirit in this city and I just know whoever is behind this cannot be human. I will offer up whatever help I can, please put an end to this."

The Order of Mages
You go to the location of the person who requested the mages for help. You end up going into the underground tunnels of the city. You suspect it could be a mage in hiding but when you arrive at the location you find a goblin.

"Hello, bet you weren't expecting a goblin huh. I know we are known to cause a lot of trouble and lie but this time it's serious. You see 9 people have been killed in this city and one of those people was my brother. He had shapeshifted into a human a year ago and was living as one for almost a year. And then he went missing. A week later his bones were found still in his human form. We Goblins are shapeshifters so we aren't as easy to kill as regular humans but it seemed to make no difference. So I know I can't avenge my brother but I thought maybe you could. I know the Order of Mages helps nonhumans too on occasions. So please find out who did this to my brother. I will tell you what little I know."
The Lincoln Organization
As you enter the city, a police officer takes you straight to the Mayor and Commissioner. The mayor is first to speak "Thank you for coming. As I'm sure you know our city has had a problem for the past nine weeks. The citizens are terrified and quite frankly my assurances of their safety are no longer working. I have asked the government, the FBI and just about everybody for help and gotten no results. The Sunati Cardinal are stirred up quite the uproar with his talks of a demon. Frankly I don't know if I believe in that stuff but I have heard your organization can deal with such things. You will have the entire city police and their resources at your disposal. Anything you need will be provided by the Commissioner here and you will compensated appropriately when this is all done. "

The Mayor then leaves you and commissioner. "Well then I will leave you to it. I was opposed to bringing you here, I think we just have a plain serial killer on the loose and none of that demon nonsense. But the Mayor's in charge so me and my officers will help you however I can. "
The Shenteng Clan
The Clan enters the city first while the rest of you follow. "This is your first mission. Remember your training and be vigilant. I can already sense several dark chi's in this city. I will be observing you, not helping you. While there are many threats to be eliminated, remember the main task is the one causing these disappearances. Focus on finding who it is first and for most. Learn the last known location of victims, study how they were taken and learn whatever you can. Find this beast before another life is lost. Now Go!"

The Uninitiated/Monster
The city is large and populous, plenty of places to explore or the hide. The entire city seems to be living in fear because of recent events, there seems to be an ominous presences hanging in the air. There are cops everywhere, and something is clearly wrong. You heard rumors of a killer on the loose, a potentially supernatural killer and that was what brought you to the city to begin with. Now you can either find out what exactly the situation is and try to fix it, or take advantage of it. One things for sure, this is going to be quite an eventful time in the city.
Shops and Currency
The currency you will be paid in and can use to get new items will be gold bullion. Special stores only accept this currency. You can trade it for the real currency of the land but it will not be useful for most of your needs. There are a few shops within the city open to monsters, mages and humans alike. The secret underworld is open to you, simply learn how to find it.

The monsters that haunt you in your nightmares each have their own nightmares where they are in-turn haunted by evermore macabre abominations. It is those gruesome entities who then reside in the confines of Duat, the underworld, and resting place of all the morbidly terrifying creatures ever dreamed of.
The solar deity Ra sailed down the Nile River each and every night before dawn; surrounded by the grotesque and appalling figures in Duat. He would carry the Sun with him in tow, fending off untold legions of demons and agents of darkness who wanted to prevent the sunrise. The king of these monsters was the Great Serpent Apophis, the Lord of Chaos and embodiment of darkness. Apophis' goal was to swallow the Sun and plunge the world into darkness, destroying civilization forever.
The acute sting of a mosquito shocked Kemba back to the present. He was daydreaming of his past lives' encounter with the greatest evil in the world, engaging in battles that decided the fate of humanity. Kemba awoke on a dirty bench in a crowded village square. His lips were parched, and he stood up wearily on the uneven, sun-baked dirt. The dusty smell of old wood filled his nostrils as he took a look around to see cars along with carriages pulled by aging horses.
Then he remembered. Kemba was in a small city of Dogma. An old-looking - yet technologically advanced - dirty city characterized by scorching heat and the putrid stench of urine and beer. Well, many heroes had journey's that started from humble beginnings. However, Kemba had no desire to linger around in such a place. He knew what he had to do and where he had to go. He eventually went to the underground tunnels of the city, where he met a Goblin that represented the Order of Mages.
"Hello, bet you weren't expecting a goblin huh. I know we are known to cause a lot of trouble and lie but this time it's serious. You see 9 people have been killed in this city and one of those people was my brother. He had shapeshifted into a human a year ago and was living as one for almost a year. And then he went missing. A week later his bones were found still in his human form. We Goblins are shapeshifters so we aren't as easy to kill as regular humans but it seemed to make no difference. So I know I can't avenge my brother but I thought maybe you could. I know the Order of Mages helps nonhumans too on occasions. So please find out who did this to my brother. I will tell you what little I know."
"I'm more than willing to assist you. But I need a lead. Is there anyway you can provide me information that would help me on my search, specifically the location of his death where I can look for clues?"